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Silent Multiverse

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Everything posted by Silent Multiverse

  1. konami isnt gonna release a collection they really havent got into releasing collections outside of zoe
  2. actually next order is sequel to world 4 since digimon world: next order is basically dw5
  3. well i dont think they are gonna keep going with the sleuth series it didnt left things open for a sequel beside maybe human kyoto
  4. i have digimon cyber sleuth and next world order. i prefer the cyber sleuth series since theres no timer based if you dont feed your digimon, they die blah blah like next order but the whole devolving and digievoe crap back and forth get tiring lol like i prefer kokomon>arumon>greymon>metal greymon>wargreymon as one line over many spilt ones just to get wargreymon
  5. this ia pointless debating over kh3 we r getting nowhere to an end
  6. hell secret ending scream finale of dss and the start of foreteller saga
  7. i think, quid is that you had wayyy too much expections you set for kh3 because its the final chapter of dss or clinging to kh2
  8. getting kicked off your project defintely can make you want to be done with the dark seeker saga @HuntSD
  9. one where woody and buzz are in and the other is one where sora and co legit died and lost while the other worldline is where mx lost.
  10. @Esfar that twitter you linked earlier? its an fake twitter
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