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Everything posted by Exia

  1. UX objectively sucks and hurts the KH franchise
  2. also even if someone liked UX, its just so fragmented lol, like its one story isn't told properly. Browser Chi/Uncahined X/Union X/back cover/KH3 ... thats how scattered the plot is
  3. a normal KH gacha game without the story would be whatever, just really easily ignorable making it relevent to the next game? jeeez
  4. but I still say Nomura/Square firetrucked up hardcore for putting important plot points in the game
  5. I love KH, but I can't defend putting important plot points on a grubby phone game, or any phone game tbh
  6. Ux is absolutely terrible lol love the ux bashing rants here, always I'm still of the opinion it needs to just end and give us another cutscene movie and call it a day. cut your losses, as the longer UX goes on and the more important it becomes, the worse it looks for KH as a series
  7. Theory of baseless support: Nomura wants to make a side KH game before KH4 to give time to negotiate with Disney for KH4 and not be in limbo forever
  8. The lower left corner is the best stop to avoid lasers
  9. so into KH and now outta KH could be the same for the other masters. they did end up disappearing It was interesting they were mentioned to be lost/have disappeared, not that they died or anything.
  10. The theory I read a while ago was that the MoM's heart disappeared/went into KH during the first war, and came back now
  11. could be handicapped for not having a keyblade, could just not be trying, could just be doing it to watch role #2 seems like it was to make the foretellers come back somehow and what comes next
  12. but I dunno, he was given a pretty important role. He's definitely not a pushover
  13. physically weakest amongst the 7 strongest keyblade mastes not a bad position tbh
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