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King Arthur13

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Everything posted by King Arthur13

  1. I like to imagine Sora was transported to Shibuya and Riku is in Verum Rex oh
  2. So are Sora and Riku in seperate Locations in the secret movie?
  3. Like imagine shes was defending olympus from the heartless and bumps into Sora and the gang and she help them stop the Titans
  4. but it would make sense that she serves the gods like in 13-2
  5. Like why not have Lightning show up in Olympus at some point
  6. and unless they follow the Tv show Corona doesnt really have a way to make rapunzel a party member again
  7. Like I doubt disney will give rights for Frozen or Tangled again considering how strict they were the first time
  8. I honestly cant see us returning to many of the worlds in KH3
  9. Yeah that would be good Kairi is such an integral piece to the puzzle in this series, yet she needs to be more characterized
  10. Like how about a game where she ACTUALLY goes on an adventure with Sora
  11. If Kairi got her own game and we could see her letting her personality shine more it would be pretty cool Probably would fix her in many peoples eyes
  12. Elsa could probably do some serious damage if she helped them
  13. The moves that Kairi uses are not even that cool to look at in their fight, and that fight is on a time limit so its basically set that all you're gonna see from kairi even from a combat standpoint is her get knocked around and hurt
  14. Sakura at least has a decent fight while defending Sasuke in the chunin exam arc Kairi hasnt got shit
  15. Kairi wasnt exactly Useless, but more appropriatley she wasnt used at all.
  16. And that was back when we didn't even know who ventus was
  17. I found it cool how Xion turns into ventus in Xigbars perspective in the scene where they fight. In days
  18. Not me, i just wanted to bring up the zoom on the eye that shows how good these games make eyes look. Well all except for Ursula
  19. They even do a close up on the eye to show the player that it's changed.
  20. Man I love traverse town but I still never want to go there again in a kingdom hearts game.
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