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King Arthur13

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Everything posted by King Arthur13

  1. making skin more reactive to lighting is a massive improvement not only for players with dark skin, but players with off white colored skin as well (any pink, blue, or green skins show up weird in dark or purple lighting currently)
  2. the shipwreck one still gets me that was my favorite growing up
  3. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/587024026036076595/1193374140988665907/GDM_3paXIAAwXR5.png?ex=65ac7b47&is=659a0647&hm=087acdd4c9470c05e53cf9b50179f38ec1af006307db81ba3754bafa354a381b&
  4. I am not a very good at drawing so I've never drawn Sora properly
  5. https://fixupx.com/TamTam8813/status/1722334673148506461?t=FjHp8hfncBOpNEbZZl7Jkw&s=19 https://fxtwitter.com/nishinsobha/status/1667525116878807040 https://fxtwitter.com/nishinsobha/status/1667525116878807040 https://tenor.com/view/more-kylo-ren-adam-driver-screaming-star-wars-gif-17734637
  6. I hope they give him that glorious beard!
  7. Wow didn’t notice that Reminds me of the time over screens in kh2 where soras just standing there all grumpy
  8. Never forget this old man is strong
  9. Like the sections where you DONT have dream eaters dear god
  10. Like man spellican vs chernabog is night and day
  11. Some worlds were far easier than others in DDD
  12. But on a fresh file, I think it’s impossible
  13. https://www.khwiki.com/Spirit_Roar
  14. I’m gonna say a shout out to the spirit roar buff from DDD, aka the only way you can beat KH DDD on lvl 1 crit
  15. I just thought about this…. Do you think missing link is doing a battle pass live service model If so……f*ck
  16. GAH I hate this “I don’t care who the IRS sends, I’m not buying a battle pass!!!”
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