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King Arthur13

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Everything posted by King Arthur13

  1. One big wave and those boats are capsized In the middle of the ocean it’d be almost certain death
  2. https://tenor.com/view/tomorrow-eventually-gif-23712968
  3. I'm driving to see the total 100% eclipse
  4. "There is no tooth fairy, there is no easter bunny, and there is no KH4 News"
  5. https://x.com/Cody13King/status/1775322940935926174?s=20
  6. Ah forgot to remove that April fools btw kind of forgot to say that lmao FFXV Comrades Character creator in that game is WILD
  7. Man I still can't get over how cool horkoshis(creator of mha) art is when he draws marvel
  8. No way new screenshots leaked
  9. https://fxtwitter.com/cody13king/status/1774916047897788770?s=61&t=HRj49qwxVE6wFicoLf6p8Q
  10. But he's by far the most "mature" sora Like sora in kh3 don't get me wrong is fine but hes honestly written like a robot at times
  11. It mostly for your benefit to ensure YOU know how much you paid in taxes so you're sure their not taking more than they're owed
  12. Not for me, that made me so mad on my first crit playthrough Like bruh just make it auto save after fights 90% of all rpgs do that now If strangers of paradise ff origins can auto save character data better than kingdom hearts, there’s a problem Wasn’t a fan of flowmotion in kh3 ngl Felt kind of awkward a lot Not gonna go much further than that though since me or anyone else complaining about kh3 tends to devolve into a mess of nit picks Probably could make a laundry list of them really if I wanted to But I’m also tired so I’m gonna hit the hay
  13. Okay but tbh, I didn’t like KH3 at launch In fact I still have a ton of issues with it The DLC did fix a lot though don’t get me wrong. But I mean come on, the game not saving between zones in KH3 is really stupid “Oops you died to a group of enemies right before the end of this 20 min long room, gotta start over also non of your experience saved” On proud mode it’s barely noticeable but on CRIT? It’s just a dumb gameplay snafu
  14. I want Atlantis world so badly It's not even funny Like if they ever revealed an Atlantis world I would buy the kh game in question without a second thought
  15. Tell him to dm me if he has more I’ll take that for 30 bucks in a heartbeat
  16. Yeah that one’s super rare Also 30!? I’m seeing people selling it for 350 dollars Whoever’s selling that one I’ll take it
  17. You mean the 1.5+2.5 pin? Because 1.5 pre order never had a pin Great pin collection though The hoops I went through to get this pin after release
  18. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/425124804518215681/1217334121412694067/20240313_005049.jpg?ex=6603a5bf&is=65f130bf&hm=a0f263fd41665dcc28578f25827e4708b663aed547254d766fc69da291cfab7d&
  19. But thanos is more boring than galactus
  20. So they should do what they can When he’s there
  21. Only problem is Soras probably never going to marvel world again
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