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Jacob (SuperStaticPro)

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Everything posted by Jacob (SuperStaticPro)

  1. Nomura said in an interview he planned the final fantasy characters to return. No the models were ready. They just were never used. Nomura said he had the staff go as far as make models. But he couldn’t find a place to put them in the story so they were cut. A few of his employees were upset with him for having them make make models without using them.
  2. WHAT WHHAAAAAAAAAAT So this is that model they said they made but didn’t use
  3. It is interesting to see American designed characters drawn by Japanese artist. It’s really cool
  4. I didn’t know what Final Fantasy was before KH. And at first I thought they were characters of the Kh series until I checked the journal.
  5. @Mupstun at least KH1 didn’t sound like a sick child like in KH2. Oh wait You got the two mixed up? Oop
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