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Jacob (SuperStaticPro)

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Everything posted by Jacob (SuperStaticPro)

  1. I mean Crash Team Racing has 3 exclusive Skins and an Exclusive Race Track on PS4
  2. Oh Is it like cosmetics? An exclusive character?
  3. Oh then why are people talking about exclusives?
  4. Eh. I don’t see anything wrong with exclusives.
  5. Ok. That’s better. I couldn’t see her eyes before
  6. Was fun sometimes. Other times it felt like that. Especially during the first 3 fazes of the final boss.
  7. Roxas looking like Sora would make sense considering he’s his nobody. Cool concept. I like to imagine Nomura wanted Roxas to have his own look. But didn’t want him to look different from Sora without a reason. So maybe during the change he began concepts of BBS.
  8. https://www.kh13.com/news/xion-and-roxas-bring-arts-revealed-at-sdcc-r3064/?ref=discord OOOOOOOHHHHHHHH
  9. OH MY GOD This animation needs more love. Its too well crafted
  10. I found Sora in KH1 was more Serious than Sora in KH2. Sora had more childish like moments in 2. Then again. In 1, Sora was serious up until he saw Kairi on NeverLand That’s when he first ser goofball Sora out side of the funny face.
  11. Don't sell yourself short. The Chest are very well hidden. Like Literally I just gave up after hours of searching for the last 5 chest and they very out of the way and hidden in Corona. Heck Every World
  12. I played Blue and Red Rescue Team
  13. I called my dad on the phone while he was at work one day, and I asked if I could have a DS lite for like my Birthday. Later that Day he came home with the Black DS Lite and Super Mario. I was blown away
  14. The best part was it kinda came out of nowhere
  15. Got it with a copy of New Super Mario Bros
  16. Man I loved the DS lite That was my first hand held
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