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Jacob (SuperStaticPro)

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Everything posted by Jacob (SuperStaticPro)

  1. Yeah it’s a new sport. Called Trap-oline You throw the Trap on a trampoline. Whichever Trap gets thrown the farthest gets a million dollars by the patriarchy. : D
  2. Look at this Trap, that I just found. When I say go get ready to.. (I’m gonna let you guys finish that line.)
  3. The first 300 was kind of a drag. But now I know where to find em. So it’s not as bad. One you’re allowed to explore the sea at your own pace is when the world becomes my favorite
  4. I know everyone calls in the Gay blade. But what’s it the official name of the keyblade? It’s just called “Combined Keyblade” The chain emblem is the Papua fruit.
  5. Was the inspiration for this cover every Kingdom Hearts opening?
  6. Valve Logo © Valve Corporation. All rights reserved. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Some geospatial data on this website is provided by geonames.org. Privacy Policy | Legal | Steam Subscriber Agreement https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1812878990
  7. I remember hearing about at Xion's reveal in 358. People thought she was Kairi's heartless. Same as how Ansem Seeker of Darkness is Xehanorts Heartless.
  8. Here's a highlight of CoM Ironic how we see how important Kairi is to Sora in a game were she's replace
  9. Remember how pissed Sora was in Chain of Memories?
  10. This is great stuff I love these character sketches I just want to title focused. On island trio
  11. Every keyblade wielding hero in KH has blue eyes
  12. I remember they had the cure for a Cancer on Asgard but she rejected the cure so she can die as any human. It was a while back So I might be misremembering.
  13. Oh yeah. That’s the same meme used when Female Thor happened in the comics in response to Marvel fans not being happy with the change.
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