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Jacob (SuperStaticPro)

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Everything posted by Jacob (SuperStaticPro)

  1. I like the flowmotion. I just thought level design was too spacious and the bosses sucked.
  2. I’m gonna take that as “it’s only for critical” So I’ll play Critical
  3. Question Can you turn off the ride summons in any mode in KH3, or is that a Critical mode exclusive?
  4. Hmm. I didn’t know in Re:mind well learn more about the organization members. Sounds cool.
  5. Either that or Donald and Goofy told Sora off screen. Cause when they get to Twilight Town in KH3, they Tell Sora about Data Roxas testing Data Sora to see if he was ready to face the hurt that Sora carried inside.
  6. Mickey puts it in his letter he sent to Sora. “P.S. Does the words “Thank Namine.” Ring a bell? Because a data version of yourself Thanked a data version of Namine.”
  7. Sora only knows “Thank Namine” He doesn’t know why, but he knows he has too. As for DataScape. The line was probably an oversight.
  8. Could’ve been a section where like a stealth mission. Or maybe Donald and Goofy would help guide you and you’d command them or something.
  9. Would’ve made sense. Most likely would’ve happened from the part where Sora becomes a heartless.
  10. Namine made contact with the Lingering Will. She has the power over Sora’s memories and those connection to him. If she found the Lingering Will then he’s connected to Sora.
  11. I’ve ported Roxas (Casual) Namine Vanitas (Masked and Unmasked) Lingering Will (Plus Earth Shattered and Ends of the Earth + Transformations) KH1 Sora KH1 Riku (Next one is an almost finished KH1 Kairi.) Oh I also added Anti Form for the Modded KH2 Sora. Yeah. I’ll show it when I get home from Work. Leaving in 2 minutes. After KH1 Kairi is finished, I’ll do Replica Riku next.
  12. Just beat KH2 the first time after beating KH3. I’m going back to KH3 after this to get a good idea on my state between the 2 are.
  13. Secret Episode might be the events of Sora bringing back Kairi
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