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Everything posted by Amaterasu_1549906707

  1. @Otti#8624 i would throw all of my money at that
  2. well back to using all energy solely in exisence, just @ for.. i dunno, whatever
  3. imagine playing pokemon, couldn't be me
  4. I would join but i sadly don't have the energy to do much lately other than exist adshsls
  5. what be happening here as of late
  6. i don't know what i am being asked, but hi
  7. This is the worse thing I’ve seen
  8. like... i feel, and yes sure, it's likely just a stretch, but i feel like he's had this idea for a while now,Nomura Imean I feel like the intent might have been this but, well.. it almost didn'thappen,what with the whole versus xiii into ffxv thing but that's just a stretch
  9. but his human is in...wha do we even call Yozora's reality? uh...Not Versus yeah, he's in Not Versus i forgot we can just call it Verum Rex
  10. Like...signs say "Ux" but now with Luxord,well... Now it can reallyjust go either way
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