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Everything posted by Ryushin

  1. I also read somewhere guard improves with levels? so it could be more a problem for LV1 Players
  2. I got really sad today, how i struggled with my low skill to reach The Org Battles on Critical LV1... ...then watching that Ralph breaks KH3 Video
  3. cant wait for these crazy players to brag beating everything no-damage while having all restrictions and options on max difficulty
  4. i keep a glimpse of hope, kinda minimum would be able to replay the specific fights without having a backup save or something
  5. so how big are the chances we would get an Arena/Boss refights where you can choose to play the other Chars?
  6. I got the game 3 days before official release, and unlocked the platinum on kfficial release day
  7. Isnt One Piece one huge filler in general?
  8. inb4 Gamefreak steals the idea of lucky emblems for Pokemon ;D
  9. I hate you for being nolife skill level Once i reached the Graveyard Battles, i knew my skillcap was reached for LV1 Crit
  10. I cant wait how creepy and disturbing Shinra Building will be after Jenova gets released
  11. There is a little part that heavily reminds me of some part in the FF12 Theme
  12. btw does anyone else hear some FF12 Boss Theme mixed in the music in the trailer?
  13. When i think how much of the game we get, i am worried of the HP Values feel way too high
  14. Also he has Zacks first sword right?
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