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Everything posted by Aqua_Wren

  1. Also the deluge of DLC trying to fix it.
  2. 15 is a hot mess but it's a fun hot mess IMO. Gods though it has no idea what it wants to be ;D
  3. I actually really like Ardyn.
  4. He is still by far the weakest main villain in FFXIV for me mostly because he can basically be boiled down to "two dimensional bored blood knight."
  5. Oh neat I got a not bad drop off a shining pom. Freeze/petrify immunity accessory.
  6. But yeah they aren't actually hahahahaha evil. They just don't care about explaining themselves.
  7. I won't uh, spoil specifics though whoops.
  8. So funny thing about the Ascians. They have sympathetic backstory and what they're doing makes sense 100%
  9. The Ascians are more background lurkers tbh. Although it looks like they're finally getting ramped up.
  10. (It's ok Orpheus has bad taste. His favorite villain is Zenos )
  11. Well, less moved and more he's in both places but yeah.
  12. Although there's something to be said for doing Omega and Alexander before one of the post ShB dungeons. Uhhh there's a trial series that starts I wanna say in the ruby sea or the East Aldernard trading companies HQ. Entirely optional. Also the wandering minstrel is in Kugane. For extremes.
  13. Otherwise you can do it whenever.
  14. Eh, not really. Only thing I'd say do before ShB is Crystal Tower.
  15. Although you may want to do the Omega raid at some point, it has some dragon lore and some Allag lore as well.
  16. So, fun thing that only ever gets implied later but can probably be gleaned from this:
  17. On the bright side, one shining pom down. And hey I'll have a decent pile of Sepith.
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