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Everything posted by Aqua_Wren

  1. I tried to get him to switch but he was too set into it. And didn't want to grind something else up.
  2. ... you basically played KH3 after only KH1 and KH2. ;D
  3. It paid off a lot of plot threads including stuff from side stuff that used to be endgame. But a lot slipped your mind or you just didn't do it.
  4. And tbh I suspect rushing it as much as you did is part of why you were kind of lukewarm on ShB.
  5. You really did rush it a lot.
  6. I'm being vague and touching on things that I thought only seeing the trailer. So no. You can safely click.
  7. Also the expansions go on stupid sales a lot.
  8. The way I see it is the initial purchase covers the labour to make it. The sub covers the costs of keeping it running. MMO's aren't cheap to keep up.
  9. Yeah so. Nightmare basically equals the enemy always goes before you without a preemptive attack. Also normal enemies can two shot you.
  10. Although I think I've finally gotten enough speed items and levels so that enemies aren't constantly double turning me now. Heck Estelle can get two turns if I ambush an enemy.
  11. I mean I honestly don't blame you at all. SC Nightmare honestly seems kind of dumb. ;D
  12. I destroyed the entirety of FC on nightmare with no problems, as Orpheus can attest to. And the Prologue of SC is absurd.
  13. The prologue for SC is legitimately that unbalanced.
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