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Everything posted by Snakeskin94

  1. Let's just hope the show is lol
  2. Oh god The dystopia is here. Just like Snow Crash predicted.
  3. That boss kicked my ass more than several times on my critical run lol
  4. Wait we can just ask for channels now?
  5. I heard that the DLC so that's really tempting lol
  6. You know there's a lot of things I want to do in life, and there's a lot of other things I know I want to do in this life. And I'm not so sure I want to do that 😭
  7. Elden Ring, more like, I'm Gonna Have a Goddamn Panic Attack If I Have To Start This Run Again.
  8. I have learned two things about the games industry in the last 5 months Everyone is playing FF14 And everyone else is playing Elden Ring. Thanks guys.
  9. https://www.ign.com/articles/tekken-chief-katsuhiro-harada-gets-remarkably-candid-discussing-why-soul-calibur-disappeared Tl;dr it died cause Bandai Namco sucks, shocker 😭
  10. For 2 simple reasons 1. They always dick me around with depicting him and yeah at least it was a good portrays and costume 2. Pierce Bronsan. He's always been one of my favorite characters but DC can never just let me have him 😭
  11. There's a lot of "obscure" characters on the cast list- so, I'm assuming a lot of them are either one-off's, there to set up a spin off, ooooor canon fodder for the bad guy to have a body count.
  12. That looks more like Black Noir than Ultraman wtf lmao
  13. Remind Data Fights might be the best bosses in Square's Library.
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