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Everything posted by Snakeskin94

  1. You're a real looks something up
  2. looks up something "Shaitan", if you will owned.
  3. But if you don't disagree thar makes you a co-conspirator skskks You're just as blasphemous as I am, brother 🤣
  4. Nooo I meant you should* listen to *me 😭 DAZ
  5. I told someone one that the KH subtitle font in the first 2 games looked like Comic Sans and they blocked me for a half hour.
  6. Good thing you didn't watch that part lol
  7. There's a point where Will Smith fights himself and uh
  8. Who is also the same dude who did Brokenack Mountain apparently lmao WHERES THE DLC Where is Syl hiding it.
  9. Directed by the dude who did Life of Pi, fun fact
  10. The I Am Robot Legend I Robot is another movie people on the internet swear is bad but I think it's very good
  11. That movie was good- if someone says it was bad, thays head canon, sorry lmao
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