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nicholas bloom

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  1. i don't mind waiting only 2 days for the complete game i waited over 3 months to play the spiderman game cuz i wanted to play the full dlc all together
  2. i hope so as i said my main beef was the fact that i could of met shinji for free and missed that chance something ill regret untill i meet him
  3. hi my names nicholas i became a member last week kh is my favorite game franchise of all time thats why im asking you guys should there be another demo spot before the game comes out imo yes there shou;d be especially sincr imissed my chance at ignfanfest i keep replaying that day in my head where i had everything planned out my ticket and rides but my umother made me cancel i won't get into why cuz it won't ease the pain i still feel inside anyway i feel showcasing the demomore is a great idea for fans who have yet to play the demo to feel that expierienceplus shinji hashimoto could always be there to (which is the main reason why i still feeel pain in my heart knowing that i could of met him 11 days ago for free but blew my chance) one of my goals is to meet him and tetsuya nomura i know i will someday my heart is telling me that and i'll listen to it anyway guys how do you feel about another demo
  4. i hope the demo is at anime la i missed my chance at ign fanfest which ive regretted since then idc if its just a demo kh is my favorite game franchise
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