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Everything posted by Mkucherina

  1. Those would all be great games! I think the next side game is going to feature a young Eraqus and Xehanort going on their journey to become masters. I tihnk a fun title could be like an anthology of some sort where each part is related to one another. The first part can be something related to UX. It can involve something about Luxu, the fortellers, or the new union leaders. The next part can be about a young xehanort and eraqus and how they became masters. This can tie into the previous part by having it end with Xehanort meeting Luxu. The final part of this game could be Kairi gearing up and going on a journey to hone in on her keyblade skills and going to save Sora. I took inspiration for this from the secret ending of birth by sleep how each of the three parts occurred at different times but were ultimately all related to one another.
  2. The two moments that get me every time, even after playing through myself and watching other people do the same, is when Donald and Goofy are seen following Sora to the final fight with Xehanort. The other moment is when Roxas Xion and Axel get to fianally sit on the Twilight Town clock tower and having Isa, Hayner, Pence, and Olette join them. Having all of them together in that moment just indicated a sense of completeness to me. Their individual journies have gotten them all to the moment that they have been waiting for, want to be, and are finally happy. Get a little teared up even thinking about it.
  3. Haha good point. And my sincerest apologies for not including Viserys on here. Definitely an unfair end to one of our babies. It's funny but i noticed that there is always a character that everyone hates and wants to die. Initially it was Joffrey, then when he died it became Ramsay Bolton, and now it's Euron Greyjoy lol
  4. Any Game of Thrones fans here? Which character's death did you think was done the best?
  5. When this game was still in development and the orchestra trailer came out in 2017, I assumed that Sora would, at one point, give into the darkness in order to bring back Roxas, making him a SoD. It would have been cool to play as Roxas and have him be with the rest of the team in order to figure out how to bring Sora back without getting rid of himself. A Soranort would have definitely been a cool thing to see, but sadly I feel like that seems no longer possible given that ol' Xehanort kicked the bucket. Maybe he'll be back at one point!
  6. I agree that his return was high demanded and epic but I personally gotta give it to Terra. The guardian saving Aqua and Ven was so cool!!!!
  7. Welcome! That's a cool choice. Mine would probably be either the unbound or two become one
  8. Sorry that all that has happened to you man. Lets be friends.
  9. Since seeing that familiar face again in KHBBS, ive always been curious about xigbar/braig. He met up with Xehanort and basically became his bitch because of the fact that he wanted a keyblade. What confused me about this was that after all the time that hes been with Xehanort, he was never able to get one for himself. We've seen how characters like Axel and Kairi have gotten their own keyblades in a short amount of time and went on to train. Xigbar was always a character who sorta lurked in the background, even in KH2, he was one of the first organization members defeated when getting into the World that Never Was. It was never revealed why he wanted a keyblade or even how he came to even meet Xehanort. In hindsight these could all clues as a plan to infiltrate and sorta ride that Xehanort wave until the second keyblade war passes. What still confuses me is why he let Xehanort put a piece of his heart inside him. Even more so, why is it still in him.
  10. I looked at this after April Fools and was like wtf what new trailer haha
  11. Yea this is something that confused me too. I think when they're talking about worldlines, theyre just talking about another data world. My theory is that the fortellers and MoM disappeared in the first place because they went to the future. While we know that the rules of time travel allow people to only travel backwards rather than forwards, there may be some trick used to get the heart into the future. We know that Maleficent traveled back in time but eventually returned to the events in KH2 so maybe they did something similar? I have a feeling Nomura might try to do alternate realities but I too agree that would be a mistake and would make all of this even more confusing than it already is. My theory for what will happen next is that the next title will be a side game featuring young Xehanort and Eraqus as they take their "pilgrimage" and become masters. I would also like a side game that features some of the other keyblade wielders that were barely in KH3. I would love to see a Terra redemption arc, a Kairi and Axel game, and most of all a Ven and Roxas game. To be perfectly honest, I would be completely ok if Sora disappeared for good and Roxas became the new main character (but that's just me because our boi only got like 5 min of screen time in KH3). I just hope that these don't get dragged out the same amount of time that all the games between 2 and 3 did. Here's to the future!
  12. I really hope Demyx isn't MoM. That would just be over kill for me. I think that we will see the Demyx and Luxord somebodies when the 5 new union leaders jump into the new worldline (whatever that means). To answer your question about Terranort, Nomura recently stated in an interview that Terranort's body comes from when he was recompleted after Xemnas and Ansem were defeated but his heart was from the past when he fought w/Aqua. How Xion came back will be revealed in the DLC. Dark Riku is the Riku replica from CoM. His heart was taken from the past and put into a replica, but was stopped by the heart/soul of the Riku replica after he became good (post defeat). In KH3 they said Master Xehanort exists outside of time and is a portal (tbh I still don't really get what the means).
  13. I think that would be pretty cool. It would fit into the whole light vs dark thing. She could maybe even be a princess of heart?
  14. this update was so dumb. barely anything happened. the only thing we really saw was that ven had a different keyblade back then
  15. I think I'm gonna eat some cheese, watch a little bit of parks n rec, and then listen to fate of the unknown on repeat for about 6 hours.
  16. The "guidance for the future" comes from the fact that while he does not retain any of his memories from time traveling, the drive left behind is still there. Xehanort mentioned this in a previous game. Young Xehanort doesn't remember any specific details of what happens in the future but only the desire to become a keyblade master. I am convinced that one of the next games to come out will be about Xehanort and Eraqus taking the mark of mastery. In this game, we will also probably see Luxu meet Xehanort and pass down no name.
  17. Decisive Pumpkin could activate a limit where ghosts circle around you to do extra damage
  18. Those are good questions but when thinking about Ienzo and Sora's first interaction on the gummi phone, he says they met at Castle Oblivion, but that's not true. Zexion only was part of Riku's story so regardless, Sora wouldn't know who he is at all lol.
  19. I too would love to see Kairi kick some serious butt and truly be the one to rescue Sora. I wonder what party members she'd have though. It would be cool if Minnie wanted in on some of the action too and accompanied Kairi!
  20. I really like the chicken cup noodles when sora fought against larxene (the 5th time she became a nobody) but ultimately picked shrimp cup noodles because of the overall gameplay and secret ending where Donald gains his keyblade (but loses his healing ability).
  21. There's technically quite a few keyblade wielders who have not achieved the master's level yet. There's Sora, Kairi, Lea, Ventus, Xion, and Roxas. I don't really know if Terra counts but regardless, there's so much potential for side games revolving these characters. It would be cool to see a Ven and Roxas game.
  22. You know what really bothers me? When the secret ending to bbs came out, the one where aqua sees castle of dreams for the first time, there was a short scene was kairi was with the twilight town gang at the old mansion. they never explained that and that kinda annoys me. I would like kairi game where shes doing something in twilight town lol
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