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Everything posted by Mkucherina

  1. Something that I thought about after replaying KH3 was the inconsistency of the whole broken keyblade thing. When Riku and Mickey broke their keyblades, they were forged new ones. When Axel got his keyblade broken by Xemnas, he was no longer a guardian of light (in Xemnas' words) but was later shown using it in Scala ad Caelum. This also got me thinking about the keyblade graveyard. We've seen before that when a person wielding the keyblade gets defeated, the key just dematerializes, but the keyblade graveyard contains "lifeless keys." Maybe I'm missing something so can someone clarify?
  2. I relate lol. I think im still in the story that's before the keyblade war lol
  3. I would love for them to include all of that into an upcoming DLC. I don't think they would be able to include Sephiroth on his own though. Too much of his story is intertwined with Cloud's. I would love for them to have Radiant Garden as a playable world in the DLC in order for the game to have a stronger mid game in between Disney worlds.
  4. Meat Lovers all the way. Pineapple can go back to the realm of darkness where it belongs.
  5. I haven't had the chance to try critical mode yet but I can imagine toybox would be pretty tough with all of the gigas constantly shooting at you.
  6. To be completely honest, I do not want to see much of the Riku Replica(s) again. I felt that KH3 gave them a perfect sendoff and was a great way to end his/their story. I do look forward to Vanitas re-appearing. I'm hoping that he becomes a sort of anti-hero throughout the later games. I imagine he'll just randomly re-appear to make fun Ven or Sora and hint at something bigger that's going on in the story without actually revealing anything. He might even pop in to help for a quick minute before betraying everyone again. Those are always my favorite kind of characters, ones that just march to the beat of their drum lol.
  7. I've said this before, but I think a cool idea can be a game similar to that of birth by sleep but theres three stories that each take place in different time periods. The first can be about matters relating to the fortellers/new union leaders/luxu, the next one can be about xehanort and eraqus becoming keyblade masters and the third can be about kairi setting off on a journey to find sora.
  8. I don't think they'll include any famous video game characters. Probably just Ralph and the gang. I'm hoping they don't make the internet cannon to kingdom hearts lol
  9. To me it felt weird that when Mickey and Riku went to Radiant Garden, they did not even think to find Leon and the gang. It makes me wonder what happened when Ansems apprentices returned. Leon and co were running things inside Ansems castle. Were they just thrown out once the apprentices returned? Regardless of whether or not they were necessary to the plot, it just seemed like bad writing to me and didn't make much sense. Even though I wanted to see everyone in KH3, I would have been ok with them just mentioning them saying at least "Leon says hi and hopes you're staying out of trouble."
  10. Im with you on that. I would rather have them end UX on a huge cliff hanger and be done with the mobile aspect of it rather than keep it going. That being said, I think it would be cool if you could race fellow players in sugar rush or slaughter race lol
  11. Can someone please explain what risk is associated with not changing your PSN name?
  12. I was in the 100s range but got annoyed and stopped playing. Now I just look forward to Everglow's videos about the main plot lol.
  13. That looks really cool! Wish I was creative/crafty enough to do something like that.
  14. Totally down with this, I've been wanting them to bring in and expand on more FF characters. They could bring in Terra and kefka, ultimecia, cecil, zidane and kuja, lightning and co, and noctis and co.
  15. I don't really drink coffee on a normal/daily basis but if im really tired and need to be a very functioning human on a particular day, I get a café mocha from starbucks with three shots of espresso lmao.
  16. Lmao that's what I was thinking too. Like at one point would he stop getting thrown into doors and just poof back.
  17. Knowing Nomura, you're probably spot on about that lol. I could see this being added with the inclusion of UX. I think there's a good chance Nomura didn't even think about this when first creating her.
  18. I too would love to see this happen! I think the only thing that is preventing this from happening is limiting a character like Riku to just being a side character. Riku has gotten great character development from the start of the KH series to where he is now. Truth be told, I'd rather have Riku be the main character and have Sora be the side character. Maybe an unpopular opinion but I would much rather have Roxas be a main character again. Our boi needs more chances to shine!
  19. Given to what has hapenned SO FAR and the clues that were provided, I think that the box has something to do with the MoM's return. His eye is something that see's whats to come so maybe that box contains his heart or something. Thinking about this realistically, the eye can only see the future until a certain point, I think that point is when MoM returns. It can also be possible that, like Xehanort, MoM exists outside of time can be some sort of annomoly. I genuinely hope Nomura stays away from alternate timelines. Some people think that this is where the series is heading and I think that would complicate everything so much more than it already is.
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