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Heather Chandler

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  1. Like
    Heather Chandler got a reaction from Lalalablah for a status update, Fragmented statues seem to be your thing   
    Fragmented statues seem to be your thing 
  2. Like
    Heather Chandler reacted to Shard the Gentleman for a status update, It has been awhile   
    It has been awhile
  3. Like
    Heather Chandler reacted to ITzDarthLordRevan for a status update, I know it sounds harsh, but news of new KH Games does not excite me like it used to.   
    I know it sounds harsh, but news of new KH Games does not excite me like it used to. I'm not interested in Melody of Memory and I want nothing to do with KHUX and Dark Road. I didn't like KH3 and that has put a damper on my optimism that future games will be better. I'll watch cutscenes of new games when they come out, but I won't actively follow the development and trailers for them. I think it's time for me to take a break from the series. It's kind of hard to let go of something you absolutely loved for over ten years and it kind of makes me a little sad that I can't bring myself to garner the same enthusiasm I once had.
  4. Like
    Heather Chandler got a reaction from ITzDarthLordRevan for a status update, I had no idea Dylan Sprouse did Yozora's voice   
    I had no idea Dylan Sprouse did Yozora's voice 
  5. Like
    Heather Chandler got a reaction from ITzDarthLordRevan for a status update, I have given into the Animal Crossing hype, and I have no regrets   
    I have given into the Animal Crossing hype, and I have no regrets
  6. Like
    Heather Chandler reacted to Lalalablah for a status update, When all of us get together in person, our team will be even more unstoppable than we   
    When all of us get together in person, our team will be even more unstoppable than we are now
  7. Confused
    Heather Chandler reacted to Lalalablah for a status update, I’ve got a message for your DMs   
    I’ve got a message for your DMs
  8. Like
    Heather Chandler got a reaction from Tribute Vids for a status update, Stay safe in these messy times, everyone: Things are out of control, and the best thi   
    Stay safe in these messy times, everyone: Things are out of control, and the best thing anyone can do is keep a good head and stay as safe as possible
  9. Like
    Heather Chandler got a reaction from Tribute Vids for a status update, I'm not dead! Just very busy. I did manage to read the UX novel, and it was interesti   
    I'm not dead! Just very busy.
    I did manage to read the UX novel, and it was interesting, but the writing took getting used to. I noticed the KH3 novel is out. It's so small! That can't be it?
  10. Like
    Heather Chandler got a reaction from Tribute Vids for a status update, I'm gonna be on and off here a lot this year. Life has decided to kick me   
    I'm gonna be on and off here a lot this year. Life has decided to kick me
  11. Like
    Heather Chandler got a reaction from Tribute Vids for a status update, Merry Christmas Eve, people!   
    Merry Christmas Eve, people!
  12. Like
    Heather Chandler reacted to Benji Joel Correa for a status update, Currently obsessed with Treasure Planet again It's always been one of my favorite mov   
    Currently obsessed with Treasure Planet again  It's always been one of my favorite movies
  13. Like
    Heather Chandler got a reaction from Tribute Vids for a status update, Merry Beginning of Christmas Insanity-mas (A.K.A December)   
    Merry Beginning of Christmas Insanity-mas (A.K.A December)
  14. Like
    Heather Chandler got a reaction from Tribute Vids for a status update, Guess who's not dead! And back earlier than expected!   
    Guess who's not dead! And back earlier than expected! 
  15. Like
    Heather Chandler got a reaction from Tribute Vids for a status update, Gonna be offline until sometime in December: Health issues. Stay safe, everyone!   
    Gonna be offline until sometime in December: Health issues. Stay safe, everyone! 
  16. Haha
    Heather Chandler reacted to Shard the Gentleman for a status update, Howdy y'all   
    Howdy y'all
  17. Like
    Heather Chandler reacted to Shard the Gentleman for a status update, Heck'n howdy yall. Long time no see. I see there is an app now.   
    Heck'n howdy yall. Long time no see. I see there is an app now.
  18. Like
    Heather Chandler reacted to Alicia Maddox for a status update, *in Samwise Gamgee voice* Well, I'm back.   
    *in Samwise Gamgee voice*
    Well, I'm back.
  19. Like
    Heather Chandler reacted to Exiblade7 for a status update, Sadly, I may have gotten major spoiled on twitter. The funny thing is the person who   
    Sadly, I may have gotten major spoiled on twitter. The funny thing is the person who talked about the spoiler didn't mean to. As a result, i'm going to barely check twitter and may do the same with this site as well. 
  20. Haha
    Heather Chandler got a reaction from Shard the Gentleman for a status update, Why is your profile header staring into my soul? I demand answers   
    Why is your profile header staring into my soul? I demand answers
  21. Like
    Heather Chandler got a reaction from ITzDarthLordRevan for a status update, Merry Christmas, everyone! Or Merry Which Ever You Celebrate! Or just have a good wee   
    Merry Christmas, everyone! Or Merry Which Ever You Celebrate! Or just have a good week, for people who don't celebrate a holiday. 
  22. Like
    Heather Chandler got a reaction from ITzDarthLordRevan for a status update, How is it almost Christmas? Wasn't it just Halloween? The year seems so short in the   
    How is it almost Christmas? Wasn't it just Halloween? The year seems so short in the last leg... 
  23. Like
    Heather Chandler got a reaction from ITzDarthLordRevan for a status update, It's attack of the spoilers! Watch out, everyone!   
    It's attack of the spoilers! Watch out, everyone!
  24. Like
    Heather Chandler got a reaction from ITzDarthLordRevan for a status update, Happy December 1st, everyone! 24 days 'til Christmas!   
    Happy December 1st, everyone! 24 days 'til Christmas! 
  25. Like
    Heather Chandler got a reaction from Axtwyt for a status update, The checkout line during Black Friday is the only real way to feel what purgatory is   
    The checkout line during Black Friday is the only real way to feel what purgatory is like 
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