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Heather Chandler

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Heather Chandler last won the day on August 10 2020

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About Heather Chandler

  • Birthday 10/30/1993

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    I finally remember how to change this!
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  1. Still holding out for a switch release. Hey, I can daydream! KH 1 is so old at this point, they could cram it onto a switch cartridge
  2. If we're counting just finishing the story completely, all of them. I unlocked the bonus movies on the PS3 versions of 1 and 2, as well. Trophy wise...uhm... none 😅
  3. The World That Never Was with that permanent damp, rainy atmosphere is weirdly calming. You know, besides the everything.
  4. Beauty and The Beast - The Enchanted Christmas, because I have no taste. I can't get over my soft spot for it, since I saw it first as a kid, even if the animation is crapola a lot of the time. Lion King 2 is also pretty good, considering it has no right to be whatsoever
  5. I like it for the most part, except how...utterly rushed it feels. And Sora seemingly having the Keyblade on Destiny Islands beforehand was a choice, that's for sure. All in all, it was a fun watch, but I wouldn't want it to be the basis for a show today. There's too much that's happened since KH1 to go back now. Also just nitpicking, I know it was unfinished, but there are a LOT of horrible 'pause faces' in that short 😂
  6. Wandavision, 100%. I got so drawn into that show, and the whole 'every episode is a different sitcom genre' was really refreshing. I hope they keep on with this style for future shows, just making them fun romps that still connect to the main films. Loki was alright, but I mostly watched it for Tom Hiddleston eye candy. I haven't watched Hawkeye or Falcon. I probably should, though 😅
  7. Mickey Mouse and Cinderella > Whatever the heck Epcot is doing these days Plus Magic Kingdom still feels exciting, while Epcot gets stale. I've only been to Animal Kingdom once, a long time ago, so no comment.
  8. At least the PS3 collections never crashed... No offense to PC gamers, big respect to you, but I stay a console only gamer for a reason.
  9. There were a couple of 'damns' and one single 'hell' in the first run of Tokyopop KH manga, but the Yen Press editions seems to have a new translation. A lot of things were changed, like Kairi mentioning prayer, Riku Replica calling Larxene an 'Old hag', and Axel's infamous 'Hell of a show!' line. Long story short, yes and no. A few mild swears were edited.
  10. It's tempting.... But I must stay with my PS4 bundle. It's just too nice to ignore for a pc port (plus KH would probably make my modem explode... or have a mental break down).
  11. Literally forgot it was April Fool's until a friend fake emailed me with a screamer ?

  12. I'd buy it if I could, but my pc is "rhymes with bit" and couldn't play them without going into mass hysteria. On topic, if I was able to, I'd play the original, first, since it's been a couple years since I played it.
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