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About Shleb

  • Birthday 12/20/1996

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  • Co-hosted the KH13 podcast.

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  1. Did someone tell Power? The streamer is in charge of changing directories- I don’t know even know that could have happened if it wasn’t on purpose since I last had it set as KH3.
  2. Is someone live? Tell the streamer, not me Idk why you would tell them lol Wouldnt* Just go to their chat and tell them to make sure they change their game. I’m at work.
  3. Today, we're happy to announce that we've relaunched our Twitch channel for KH13.com! Twitch is a live streaming platform where people are able to stream anything from video games to podcasts. Please follow our channel and turn on notifications to know when a community member is streaming on the KH13 channel! We have many exciting plans for our Twitch channel -- it's going to be a "community stream" for the Kingdom Hearts community. What this means is that if you have a love for Kingdom Hearts and a passion for streaming, then you'll be welcomed to stream on the channel! This can be a great way to participate in the community, and discuss your love of the series while playing your favorite Kingdom Hearts game to other fans! Streamers can stream anything from a casual play through to speed runs or other challenge runs! If you are interested in streaming for us on our Twitch channel, please message Shleb on KH13.com or Discord.
  4. Today, we're happy to announce that we've relaunched our Twitch channel for KH13.com! Twitch is a live streaming platform where people are able to stream anything from video games to podcasts. Please follow our channel and turn on notifications to know when a community member is streaming on the KH13 channel! We have many exciting plans for our Twitch channel -- it's going to be a "community stream" for the Kingdom Hearts community. What this means is that if you have a love for Kingdom Hearts and a passion for streaming, then you'll be welcomed to stream on the channel! This can be a great way to participate in the community, and discuss your love of the series while playing your favorite Kingdom Hearts game to other fans! Streamers can stream anything from a casual play through to speed runs or other challenge runs! If you are interested in streaming for us on our Twitch channel, please message Shleb on KH13.com or Discord. View full article
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