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About Rockin-AA

  • Birthday 10/18/2001

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  1. The point of the team is to try and be at the top. We are an active team, and that requires our members to be active more than once a week. If you aren't going to be active then you don't have to join. This would in no way be a "power trip." We are lenient as long as you tell us the reason why you can't be active. Life comes first after all. However, if you're inactive and don't tell us why then that's a different story.
  2. Hello and Welcome to the ^Frantic^ recruitment thread! What is ^Frantic?^ We are a party that wants to help members who want an opportunity to reach the top of the rankings like the big players! Currently, we are rank 95 with only 5 members! We are always trying our best to make sure they are the best they can be, so this means don't be afraid to ask if you need help with a setup! Rules: 1•Absolutely NO Inactivity (No Online Activity within a week 'Depending on your Lux' will result in an immediate Kick. If any reason Inactivity happens, let one of the leaders or CO-leaders know before wise or during.) 2• Lux Boost is Mandatory. No Lux Boost is an immediate Kick. (30 members are allowed in a party. Each Individual member will have an assigned day for their Lux boost to be active. 25% [or more] Lux Boost every day. Any member that fails to comply will result in an immediate kick. If any case the assigned member cannot Boost, please tell Leader or one of the Co-Leaders) 3• A DISCORD / AMINO ACTIVITY IS REQUIRED. If you are inactive on the chat for a week or more it is an IMMEDIATE KICK. Any events taking place for the cause of your Inactivity please let the leader or one of the Co-Leaders to know. 4• RAIDING EVENTS. In an event of a Week Raid Event, Only 15 members will be assigned for the Lux Boost and the other half will be assigned as well. The only time these Lux Boost will happen is in BONUS TIME(s) Only. 5•WEEKEND ONLY RAIDS Every member will enable the Lux Boost for a full-time effect of the Max boost. (150%) Any members do not comply will RESULT IN A IMMEDIATE KICK. 6•UNION CROSS A full 6 members (The Maximum players for UNION CROSS) will be assigned a week of completing the missions for Union Cross weekly. Voice Chat is recommended. (Discord or Animo) 7•LUX Raid events will happen every week. (Either Weekly Raids or Weekend Only Raids) During these time(s) anybody below 500mil Lux will be kicked AUTOMATICALLY. If any reason you are not above 500mil, please let the leader or one of the Co-Leaders know. 8•ABSOLUTELY NO DRAMA/NEGATIVITY IN EITHER OF THE CHATROOMS. We will all get along together as a family. Any incident taken place dealing with negativity, you and anybody involved will be automatically kicked with no second chances. 9•RANK A AND B MEMBERS ONLY. However! We are willing to take acceptions. This will require the admins will look over your profile to see if they will accept you. Proof of your ranking will be required. 10•ABSOLUTELY NO “0” PLAYERS ALLOWED. This party is 0 free Guarantee. ADMINS: Bandiko-Leader Zaine-Admin VG Vanitas-Adim Moondere-Admin Rockin-Admin MEMBERS: N/A Our discord: https://discord.gg/c3xRgA8
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