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    Novayon reacted to Roxel47 for a status update, Finally joined KH13!   
    Finally joined KH13!
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    Novayon got a reaction from DFEDITZ for a status update, So... tomorrow I'll be uploading my first voiceover video on my YouTube. Suffice to s   
    So... tomorrow I'll be uploading my first voiceover video on my YouTube. Suffice to say I'm nervous as hell. My voice could sound a lot better but I need practice, I just wanted to get at least one video uploaded.
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    Novayon reacted to madhockey6 for a status update, Hey to anybody reading this! Finally became a member on the number 1 site for Kingdom   
    Hey to anybody reading this! Finally became a member on the number 1 site for Kingdom hearts news! Honestly don't know why I haven't made an account on this site yet- since I regularly visit this site to stay on top of everything Kingdom Hearts. But here I am! Hope to be more involved in the fan-base and of course can't wait for KH3!
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