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aoi hoshi

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Everything posted by aoi hoshi

  1. "I've never been much of a romantic," Riku confessed, rubbing the back of his neck, "so I think we'll just have to give it go? Never know till you try." He wasn't quite sure they would be comfortable on such a ride, but it was worth a try, right? He could see the light red tinging her cheeks and smiled at how cute she looked. There was an innocent quality to her she blushed. Something vulnerable that he wanted to protect no matter what.
  2. Their fingers interlaced, Riku swung their hands lazily as they walked. "I'm not sure. A ride? We haven't done any of those yet..." Up ahead, a large ferris wheel was visible. It reached high into the sky.
  3. Riku followed her into the carnival, strings of lights hanging above them like series of constellations. "Wait up," Riku called, weaving between other patrons; he caught her hand. It fit perfectly in his.
  4. "So, there will be another date?" Riku asked hopefully. He tried keep his excitement subtle. This had to mean she was enjoying herself, right? Riku wasn't much of a ladies man after all.
  5. "It isn't?" Riku asked, blinking in surprise. He had always found it to be an unusual name, but the thought it not being her name at this point seemed...odd? "Then...what is it?" He didn't want to pry too much, but there was a spark of curiosity he couldn't stifle. Who was the girl he was so infatuated to? A name could unlock so much about oneself. Riku thought about his own aliases. Ansem. What could hers mean?
  6. Riku ripped off a piece of cotton candy and let the sugar dissolve on his tongue. "Yup. What about you? What's something nobody knows about you?" He could only imagine what kind of revelation she would unveil from this fun little bet.
  7. Riku considered the question, bringing a hand to his chin. "Hmm...I guess...," he paused and brought his lips to her ear. "I'm a skilled swordsman. I can wield a blade easy." The blade he was alluding to was obviously a keyblade, but swords were close enough, right?
  8. Riku squinted up at the red balloon but didn't feel intimidated. He had made shots harder than that during the fight against Xehanort. "Okay. Have you decided on a prize then?" Riku asked. His last dart pierced the small red balloon. "Because I just hit all my targets." He could only imagine what this prize would entail...
  9. Riku covered his laughs halfheartedly behind his hand. "Should have known. You really are amazing," he complimented, taking his last dart. "Now, which one should I hit?" There were a number of near impossible targets for him too. He scanned the potential targets but found himself distracted by their close proximity. At his side, his fingers twitched at the thought of holding her. He wanted to be closer.
  10. Riku quirked an eyebrow in interest. "I like how you think. Alright," Riku squared his shoulders and pointed up at a smaller balloon clinging to the right side of the board. "That one right there."
  11. Riku seemed to read her thoughts as his smirk widened. "Just as I expected," he told her and picked up his second dart. He shot down a blue one towards the middle. It was plump with air, so it popped with a loud bang. "Your turn now." He gestured towards her two remaining darts. Why was it so fun competing with Lightning?
  12. Riku slid the carnival worked the money; he took one of the darts and rolled the dingy metal between his fingers. "Ready?" Eyes glinting mischievously, Riku aimed his first dart at a grey balloon near the top. It was small and slightly shriveled, but Riku's throw was hard enough to pierce it. A small pop noise followed, and Riku grinned at his date. "Impressed?"
  13. "Riku's chuckle turned into a laugh. "Sounds good to me." She really had a quick wit. He wondered if she knew how much more attractive that made her to him? "I can give you a few suggestions on a prize though," he teased, gaze lingering on her lips as they walked over to the ballon darts. The man at the booth, who was tall and gangly, rolled his eyes at their flirtatious display. He prepped their sets darts and hoped they would leave sooner rather than later. "How many?"
  14. Riku chuckled, eyes glinting with a competitive edge. "And what do I win if you lose this time? I like this prize quite a bit." He gave her a cheeky grin then. What game would they play? Another shooter game? On the other side of them, there were a series of different carnival games. Ring toss, balloon darts...
  15. "What do you want to do first?" Riku asked, looking to his date with a happy grin. He couldn't hide his excitement at all. It had built in his chest all week, and now...they were finally here together. Lightning's attire was different this time, but Riku couldn't deny that he liked it. The crop top especially...though he kept the thought to himself even as his tropical colored eyes occasionally wandered to admire her exposed alabaster skin. The keyblade master was a little surprised by the piercing, however. Not unpleasantly though. The pink gem winked under the carnival lights as if teasing him.
  16. She followed beside him, her hand fit snugly within his. She wondered what those two girls would think? They would probably be furious. The thought made her giggle. Even if they weren't dating (though she wished they could). "Over there, right? I've heard they sell some homemade candies too."
  17. "Want to get something eat now though? Your last meal...," she sighed again thinking of the squished paper bag, "met an untimely end unfortunately. We would probably split something even. I didn't eat much for lunch anyway." Which probably wasn't her best idea. Her stomach agreed with a small growl; Naminé blushed.
  18. She giggled more easily now and used his hand to lift herself up off the ground. "Yeah," she agreed with a cheerful nod, "I'd like that. We can play some games too before you go on stage!" How did he always know how to make her feel better? The warmth in her heart grew, but the sensation was natural. Filled her with a renewed sense of hope.
  19. She found his blue eyes then smiled weakly. "Thank you. I-I should be okay now." She sniffed again and dried her tears with one of her sleeves. She probably look awful now. Red, puffy eyes. Tear streaks lining her cheeks. She was so lucky to have him.
  20. Naminé laughed a little at his statement and sniffed. "I just care about you, and I don't want to see you end up sick. I know they have to be wrong, but..." She rubbed her forehead. How did she put it? She finally settled with a quiet confession. "They were horrible."
  21. She sighed and leaned her head back against the wall."I was just looking for you to bring you lunch, and they approached me all of sudden. Said I needed to leave because they had 'dibs,'"Naminé made weak quotation marks at the word, "on you. I didn't understand what that meant at first, but then they kept telling me that I was stalking you and that you just felt bad for me and--"Naminé caught herself, taking in a deep breath. Her voice was strained. "I'm not the best when it comes to making friends, so maybe I am trying too hard? I mean you probably have a lot of people who want to hang out with you..."
  22. She jolted upright at the touch. It wasn't unfamiliar but the abruptness startled her. "R-Roxas?" she asked once his face filled her vision. The boy's concerned expression eased her pain a little. He had come to find her? "What are you...what are you doing here?"
  23. Naminé couldn't run anymore, so she stopped behind one of the academic buildings that housed science classes. She leaned against the brick wall before slowly sliding down into a sitting position. Her lungs burned but her tears still fell, wetting the dirt ground. What was wrong with those girls? What was wrong with her? She buried her face into her hands. Maybe this college thing wasn't such a great idea after all...
  24. "You can't be serious?" Regina balked, "You'd choose her over us? Are you blind? She practically stalks you." "It's fine, Roxas. I-I'll just go now,"she repeated, bowing her head as she started to run back towards the dorms. There accusations rang in her head again and again. Was it stalking? Did she come across as desperate? It had always been hard for her to build true relationships after what happened at Castle Oblivion, but she had always thought she and Roxas's relationship was different. Equal. Was she just bothering him all this time?
  25. "Yeah, we missed you," Regina cooed and took one his arms, sidling right up to the boy. Drowning him in her designer perfume. "How was practice? I bet you're starved now, huh?" "I'm going back to the dorms," Naminé whispered shakily. She couldn't watch anymore.
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