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aoi hoshi

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Everything posted by aoi hoshi

  1. "C'mon, we can watch them play from over here," Naminé said, gesturing for Kairi to follow her to a small space beside the game. She ignored the kiss Noel had planted on her cheek. People still milled about as they stood. Couples and families with sticks of cotton candy. Everyone looked so happy.
  2. "What are you two up to?" Naminé chirped, keeping her smile intact. She wasn't sure how to respond to Noel's wave but offered a weak one of her own anyway. Noel wasn't a bad guy but seeing him with Kairi was unsettling.
  3. "I can talk to Kairi then," Naminé replied with determination. She would do her best to help Sora while respecting her best friend's feelings. The blonde was confident, however, that the red head's heart belonged to Sora. It was her hurt that needed to be mended.
  4. "Okay, sure. Yeah," Sora mumbled without meeting their eyes. He already wanted to leave, but the thought of being alone at the dorms was even worse. As Sora became more and more of a distant figure in the background, Naminé found herself whispering to her companion. "How do you want to do this?" She could see them a little further ahead now. Happy as they has been before.
  5. "Alright," she affirmed with a nod. Though she didn't say it, the artist wanted to tell him that she would follow him anywhere. That she felt safe with him wherever they went.
  6. His breath tickled her ear but she nodded despite the butterflies flitting about in her stomach. "Y-Yeah, I can do that." She hadn't seen her other half all night anyway, so this would be a good opportunity to check in. "Do you want to walk over together?" She glanced back at Sora, but the brunet wasn't paying attention. He tug the toe of his shoe into the dirt, kicking around pebbles absentmindedly. Don't worry, Sora...We'll figure this out...
  7. Sora shook his head and waved off his other's words. "Let her be. She's clearly having...fun." Without him. He wouldn't be selfish and ruin her night. Not after what he said to her during their fight. "Sora...," Naminé started, but even she was quite sure what to say to cheer the boy up. As long as Kairi was with Noel, that glum expression would more than likely stay on his face. I wonder if we really can steal Kairi away...
  8. From a short distance, Sora could see them. His childhood best friend, the girl he treasured most, and the boy who had stolen her away with dashing smiles and sweet words. The boy hero clenched his fists and tore away from the scene with a dark glower. They were having too much fun. Naminé, whose arm was wrapped around Roxas's, noticed the direction of his gaze and smiled sadly. They haven't made up yet. I thought Sora would have talked to her by now... "Is there something you want to do while we're here, Sora?" Sora pursed his lips but then deflated as his anger melted into sorrow. "Whatever you guys want is fine. I'm not really up for much right now." Not with Kairi so happy with Noel.
  9. He squeezed her hand. "Okay. I can do that." The cage rocked back and forth a little as they prepared to launch back into the sky, but Riku didn't notice. Being by her side. Holding her hand. It kept his heart and mind on an endless rollercoaster.
  10. Riku let out a surprised gasp at the suddenness of the gesture or rather the initiation of the gesture by the pink haired girl; but followed her contentedly as they were led into the steel cage once more for a ride through the sparkling sky.
  11. "How?" Riku ventured with a lost smile. He wasn't really good with girls. Maybe he would have been, had he kept his cocky air from before; but now...he was just clueless. The only thing he wanted to do was make her smile.
  12. "I just...," Riku exhaled sharply, "don't like that they're making you uncomfortable." He knew Lightning was strong. He didn't doubt her ability to defend herself, but there was just this...pull in his heart. He wanted to protect her. I just can't lose myself to the darkness to do that...
  13. Riku found himself becoming angry. His darkness flared, and he had to do everything in his power to not summon his keyblade. "They're pigs," Riku spat, "not even worth your time."
  14. Riku held his tongue for another minute before the words burst from his lips. It was probably more blunt than he had meant it to be, but her expression worried him. It wasn't like her. "Was it those guys over there?"
  15. He held her eyes for a moment, trying to decode her feelings. The mesmerizing shade of blue reflected nothing decipherable though, and Riku finally looked away with a sigh. "Right. If you're sure..." He kept his arm around her uncertainly but since she hadn't complained...it was alright, right?
  16. "Light?" Riku touched her shoulder then, concerned by her far-off gaze. That wasn't like her. "Hey, are you okay?" He scanned their surroundings and saw a group of guys looking their way. Seeming to appraise the young woman at his side like she were some kind of prized piece of meat. Riku glared and wrapped an arm around her waist, bringing him closer to his side. "You okay?" he repeated in a low voice.
  17. Riku spotted the tickets in her hands. "I see you have the tickets," he noted, tugging on the one closest to him. They were closer to the front now. "Only a few more minutes I think." The silver haired boy wasn't sure if should mention it, but his companion seemed...distracted. Had something happened at the ticket booth?
  18. "Gotcha," Riku confirmed with a thumbs up. He found a spot behind a couple who looked to be around his age. The girl clung to the boy's arm and pointed up at the ferris wheel excitedly. Is this how Lightning and I will be someday? Riku avoided staring at the couple any longer by looking up at the sky. The stars twinkled like they always seemed to on Islands. Kairi's letter echoed in his mind. One Sky. One Destiny. Was that what she meant? Or was there a deeper meaning that even he hadn't discovered?
  19. As the ferris wheel finally slowed down, Riku tried to catch his breath from all of the laughter. "Wanna go again?" he asked as their cage was opened, "We can get more tickets?" The line was growing longer now, but it was possible they could still sneak in another go around. He loved the idea of hearing Lightning laugh again. It was a perfect sound to him.
  20. Riku gasped when they flipped backwards, but then his laughter mingled with Lightning's. They were rocketed to the top, and for a second Riku could see a full sky of stars between the metal grates of their cage. "This is much fun!" Riku yelled as they rocked back down. He could ride this thing all night!
  21. "As I'll ever be," Riku shot back with a nervous grin. He grabbed her other hand again. This was the best date he had been on. How did he end up so lucky finding Lightning? Was this his little taste of destiny? If it was, he would hold onto it with all his strength.
  22. "Ready?" Riku asked as the ride began to jerk forward. He gripped the bar in front of them rightly, body coiled for whatever crazy drops and twists this ride would bring. The closeness he shared in Lightning brought a happy buzz throughout his body.
  23. "It's okay," Riku reassured, stuffing his wallet back into his pocket, "you can pay for the next one?" It felt strange to ask her to pay for anything, but Riku liked that about her. She was considerate of his feelings. Not many girls were like that--something he knew from the past few dating experiences he had.
  24. Riku followed her gaze and visibly relaxed. He was glad she felt the same. "I'd like that. We can scream our heads off on that one," Riku squeezed her hand playfully. The line wasn't horribly long either, so it should be easy enough to get tickets too. As they approached the ticket counter, Riku pulled out his wallet and handed the worker a handful of munny. The worked sighed but handed Riku two green tickets.
  25. As they drew closer to the ferris wheel, Riku found himself growing more nervous. The lights grew brighter, and the line of couples stretched further and further. It would take forever for them to even get tickets...He also noticed how close the other couples coming off the ride seemed to be. One pair even exchanged a tender kiss that made Riku look away. Second hand embarrassment. He wasn't quite sure what to tell Lightning though. Would she think he didn't like her if he tried backing out now?
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