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aoi hoshi

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Everything posted by aoi hoshi

  1. Riku pressed a kiss to the top of Lightning's head, his voice and eyes growing more and more sleepy. "Sweet dreams, Light." One day later... "Has Noel tried calling you since the fight yesterday?" Naminé asked. She was walking with Kairi to the cafeteria for some lunch. People stared as they went, but Naminé wasn't sure why. Maybe it was still the aftermath of the fight with Noel? News seemed to spread fast here...
  2. Riku didn't say anything as the score of the movie filled the room and a close up of the leading actor filled the screen; but what was nice was that...he didn't have to. He and Lightning just understood one another. She was beautiful, but she wasn't like the other girls had he developed feelings for in the past. There was a subtle melancholy to her; one that he connected with so well. Even her touch, the feel of her side against his was so natural and comfortable.
  3. "But good," Riku replied with a smirk of his own. Not that he had ever seen the movie before. All his adventures had kept him and his friends relatively out of the loop when it came to things like movies. Selphie had berated him and Sora for missing some blockbuster series about kids involved a death arena. Not that I would have wanted to watch at this point anyway. Not when it makes me think of the Keyblade Graveyard...Absentmindedly, Riku wrapped an arm around Lightning's shoulders and used the other to pull a pillow to prop them up slightly.
  4. "Hmmm," Riku pulled the laptop across the bed so that it could sit in his lap. He wanted something with action. "This one looks good," Riku commented, after scrolling for a minute. On the cover, a bright red race car was featured with a burly man standing alongside it with his arms crossed.
  5. Riku waved the suggestion off with a smile. "It's fine. It's the weekend now anyway, so I don't need to be up early anyway." I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing you were upset. But the thought stayed hidden as he sat on the edge of his bed with the mug in hand.
  6. "Wanna watch another movie?" Riku suggested. It was still pretty late, but the sugar from the hot cocoa gave him a spark of energy. Enough to keep him awake for a little while longer anyway.
  7. "Right," Riku agreed,"Take as much time as you need. I'm here to support you no matter what." For now, it would be just the two of them standing together. Side by side. They could share what was comfortable.
  8. "Thank you," Riku replied softly. One day he'd be able to tell her everything, but for now, he needed time. She didn't even know about his ability to use the keyblade yet let alone his time under Xehanort's influence.
  9. "A few," Riku shot back, sipping his hot cocoa. If she only knew his adventures with Sora and Kairi...his entanglement with the darkness. Would she like him still if she discovered his past? All of it? Riku wasn't so sure. Even he struggled at times to feel okay after what he had done.
  10. "You could say that I collect them," Riku said with a chuckle. He wanted to say that he had a friend mouse, but that would seem weird. Or maybe not considering they had several anthropomorphic ducks waddling around Radiant Garden. I wonder what the King would say if he saw Light? She was amazing after all.
  11. Finding an extra mug, Riku poured the hot chocolate for the two of them. "Here," Riku said, handing Lightning a mug with Mickey ears on it, "I've had this kind before. Pretty good." Not as good as the King's own speciality from Disney Town but close enough.
  12. Riku smirked and his eyes drifted to her lips. Full and pink. He leaned closer, their noses brushing against one another. "Are you sure?" he breathed. There was so little space between them now...BEEP! BEEP! Riku jolted at the sound, flailing slightly as he tried to keep himself from falling off the bed. "The hot chocolate. Right," he muttered, weaving a hand through his hair shakily. Had they really almost kissed? I wish we had...
  13. Her arms around him, Riku felt his face heat up and his heart stutter. The gesture was foreign from the pink haired girl but at the same time, very natural. This is right. This feels right. He wrapped one of his arms around her and used the other to lift her chin towards him again. His eyes softened when he noticed the red hue tinting her cheeks. "Light..."
  14. "Sorry," he shook his head apologetically, "that was probably a little much, huh?" He chuckled awkwardly then and moved his gaze to the other side of the room. "It's just hard to express." He would hope she would feel the same, but Riku didn't want to press the subject too much. Especially with what happened with Chase...
  15. Riku sighed, but it wasn't a sad sound. The confession danced around in his mind. You're the person I want to be with. You're kind, sweet, fearless...everything I could want or need... But the words felt trapped behind his lips. "I...Ever since I met you, I couldn't imagine a world without you," Riku finally said.
  16. "You're welcome." The cocoa was brewing now, bringing a sweet smell into the air. "Really," Riku added softly, "Don't worry about it. Ever. I want to help you. You're...important to me."
  17. "You have nothing to be sorry about," Riku assured. He moved towards his desk where a set of mugs were. "I've...dealt with some pretty bad nightmares too. It's not easy." After what happened with Ansem, Riku had nightmares for years. Losing himself to the darkness...losing his friends again...He took one of her hands and laced their fingers together. "I'm here for you."
  18. "Come in," Riku whispered, pulling her gently towards his open bedroom door, "I can make us some cocoa." He had done that the past few nights Lightning had come to him with nightmares. Guess I'm Light's Dreameater too, huh? Was he really that good at chasing the nightmares away?
  19. Riku grabbed her wrist gently and called out to her softly. "Hey, wait. It can't be just nothing." Riku's eyes were awake now, glowing in the darkness. "Talk to me, Light." She seemed afraid. Was it related to Chase?
  20. Riku rubbed at his eyes and shook his head. Knowing Lightning, there was a good reason she had come. He trusted her. "It's okay. What's up?" he asked, stifling a yawn.
  21. The knock on the door brought Riku out of his slumber. The boy never slept heavy anymore though. Being a Master had given him keen senses. Opening the door slowly, Riku was surprised to find the girl on the other side. Lightning. "Light?"
  22. Sora offered his arm again. "We shall." His next class would be soon, and Sora couldn't be late (again).
  23. "You'll have to give me a copy," Sora said. He looked at the image with a warmth building in his heart. He would have to find the perfect frame for this. Maybe his mom could find something from her shop?
  24. "Yup! Cheese~" Sora replied, looking into the camera with his signature grin. His heart was pounding, but he hoped it wasn't evident to Kairi. He couldn't let her know his feelings. Not with what happened Noel.
  25. Sora did another theatrical bow and kissed her hand lightly. "Of course, princess. How 'bout that picture now?" He made a picture snap with his fingers and adjusted his flower crown.
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