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aoi hoshi

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Everything posted by aoi hoshi

  1. Riku nodded, “Right. Thanks, Lightning. For everything.” Riku added the last part a little more quietly before turning back to his friends. Going back to the dorms felt odd when the party was still so lively, but Riku knew how they usuallly ended. House trashed and clothes scattered across every room. Already some girl’s bra adorned a lamp shade.
  2. "Right," Riku said and removed his hand with an evident blush on his cheeks, "H-Have a good night then. We'll be heading out pretty quick too I think."
  3. Without thinking, Riku trailed after Lightning. He caught her shoulder. "Hey, are you okay?" A few onlookers stopped and stared at the duo, their eyes burning holes even through their drunken haze. Maybe this wasn't the best time, but...here he was. No turning back now.
  4. Naminé's features softened then, mirroring Kairi's. "I can't say I blame you. It must be hard having him around so much too..." Especially since Lightning very clearly cared for her little sister and didn't want to see her hurt.
  5. "These were exactly the kinds of girls I had to deal with at Destiny," Riku grumbled in annoyance. Thankfully, he hadn't made the same mistake twice though. Glancing around the room as he ate, Riku noticed the party goers starting to become more aggressive with their drinking. A few more toga-clad frat boys stumbled through as well, and Riku could spot more and more couples swapping spit in public areas. "Though I think after we eat, it might be best to head back to the dorms. Things are starting to get out of hand again." "I'm guessing Snow won't take care of it?" Sora asked, looking to Lightning. He took bite out of his second burger.
  6. The dark haired girl rolled her eyes but relented with a snotty wave. "Yeah, c'mob girls. There are way hotter guys at this party anyway." Like Snow. Or Gadot. They didn't need to deal with these freshmen anyway. As they walked away, the same drunk who had spilt a drink on Naminé ran by in a toga made of sheets that was too long. The three girls simultaneously fell into a puddle of what was possibly beer. Naminé couldn't help herself and burst out laughing, the tension in her body melting. "Serves them right." Sora placed a hand over his heart and sighed in relief. "No kidding." He was glad the girls were here with them.
  7. All three girls exchanged glances with one another, and the leader, a girl with dark hair tied into a high pony tail that was half unraveled, curled her lip at Lightning. The stench of alcohol wafting off of her nearly made Riku, who was beside her, choke. "Maybe your friends don't know what they want? You all seem to be desperately hanging off of them. What are you? Their groupies?" Riku pushed her arm off and stood up. "Maybe we're just not interested," he snarled, "so back off."
  8. "Yeah, we could give you a personal tour," another added and climbed on top of the table so that she could crouch in front of Sora with a predatory smile on her red lips. She flicked one of his spikes with an exaggerated wink while the brunet sat paralyzed. He was under attack but couldn't hit her. Or summon the keyblade. Abruptly, Naminé shot up from her seat. Her frame was shaking. Had she ever been this angry before? She didn't think so. Her words were hard and laced with growing anger. "Hands off!" She wrenched the hand that was on Roxas's chest away. The girl flipped her hair and glared at her dramatically. "Ow, what the hell is your problem?"
  9. Sora held up his hands defensively but tried keeping a smile intact so the conversation would hopefully remain civil. "Heh, heh, we're all good. Uh, my friends and I all took a tour around campus earlier, right guys?"
  10. Sora chuckled nervously and waved awkwardly before sitting down beside Kairi. He could read her discomfort clearly, but what should he do? Taking a bite of his burger, Sora tried to avoid eye contact. "S-So, what do you guys want to do after we eat?" "You look new," one the drunk girls blurted, "Are you?" "Yeah, we are," Riku answered slowly. These girls reminded him of the ones he had the misfortune of running into at Destiny University. He would need to proceed with caution.
  11. Naminé noticed a troubled expression on her best friend's face and frowned. What was she worried about? The answer to this question, however, was quickly answered by the loud and not so subtle commentary from the barely clothed group of girls at the end of the table. "What hot guys," one of them purred, batting her eyes up at Riku. "Mmmhmm," another agreed with roving eyes that Naminé noticed lingered too long on Roxas, "I could just eat them up." "You don't think they have girlfriends, do you?" a third one asked in a drunken slur. Naminé found herself clenching her fists and creating tiny half moons in her palms. There wasn't anything to worry about. The boys weren't stupid.
  12. "Ladies first," Riku said, ushering the trio forward. The line wasn't too long, so it only took a couple of minutes for everyone to dish themselves a plate of goods. Riku put a burger on his own plate followed by a handful of chips, some sliced fruit, and what he hoped were just plain chocolate brownies. "I think we can sit at the kitchen table," Naminé suggested, using the hand that wasn't holding a plate full of food to point to the near empty dining table.
  13. “Nah, you’re fine!” Sora assured and laced his hands behind his head, “The more the merrier anyway.” He noticed his best friend’s lingering eyes on the pink haired girl and smiled to himself. The idea of Riku having any kind of crush made him giddy. Though Sora doubted Riku himself understood his own feelings at this point.
  14. "I could go for a burger or two," Sora said, patting his stomach with a laugh. His stomach gurgled impatiently in response. The sound also seemed to relieve the group of any lingering tension. Hesitantly, Riku beckoned to Lightning. He wasn't entirely sure what to expect, but she seemed nice enough. She looked after Naminé too. "You should come too, Lightning. We can all find somewhere to sit and eat our food." "Yeah, it'd be fun to have you with," Naminé agreed with a nod. The other girl seemed a little lonely somehow. Even though her heart wasn't connected to Sora's, Naminé got that sense from her.
  15. Did she want to go? Naminé hesitated for a moment before shaking her head. “It’s up to you guys. I have Kairi’s shirt to wear so I’m fine. Thank you though.” Near the back wall, a plate of freshly cooked hamburgers and hotdogs could be seen. A faint wave of steam could be seen floating into the air. “Actually, I could use a bite to eat now. Anyone else hungry?”
  16. A disgusted expression crossed Sora's face at the insinuation. Were guys really that gross? He had never treated girls like that. "You'll have to be especially careful then," Sora said lowly. I'll have to keep a good watch out for them too. Naminé wrinkled her nose at the notion, hugging herself protectively. She really would need to learn some better self defense tactics. When her eyes caught Roxas's, however, she smiled and approached him with a cute tilt of the head. "Hello, Roxas."
  17. Naminé put the flannel on and buttoned it near the top. "Thank you," she said again but included Lightning this time as well. Truly, the blonde girl was grateful to have such kind friends supporting her. Being the tallest out of the group of boys, Riku noticed the three girls first. He offered a small wave as a greeting as he slid through another throng of people. "You okay, Naminé?" he asked looking to the blonde girl. His aquamarine orbs still held flecks of concern. "I'm okay now," Naminé answered, tugging the flannel sleeves slightly, "You were right about college boys though."
  18. Sora placed a hand Roxas's shoulder and jerked his head back. "C'mon, let's go find the girls. I'm sure Naminé is worried about you." He didn't bother answering Snow. Wasn't anything else to say to creep anyway. Riku folded his arms across his chest but relented with an irritated sigh. He was really tempted to throw a few punches himself but decided his opponents weren't worth the time. As they walked away, Riku called back out to their host, "Next time you throw a party, figure out how to control your guests better. Especially around girls." "That's good," Naminé mumbled, "but I should probably still find him. He can be a little reckless sometimes." Seeing Kairi again, a relieved smile painted itself on her lips. "Kairi. I'm glad you're here." She took the flannel with a small thank you. "I hope you won't get too cold though."
  19. "Yeah," Sora added with a curl of the lip, "You probably made Naminé feel horrible!" The brunet may not have been as close to the flaxen haired girl as Roxas or Kairi, but she was still his friend. The girl who had meticulously put his memories back together for his sake and who provided him with tools necessary to mend his friend's hurt. Naminé jolted at the woman's voice and turned around. Her shirt was mostly dry now, but what had once been pristine white fabric was now tainted with a large amber ring. "Oh, um..." This was the woman from earlier, right? Lightning? Naminé sucked in a deep breath and released it slowly through her lips, which trembled ever so slightly still. "I'm...okay. A bit shocked I guess. I hadn't expected my first party to end up like this. Is Roxas okay? He was pretty upset when I left."
  20. Sora smiled tightly and reached for the door to let them back inside. “I think we should. Hopefully, it’s nothing too bad...” Once inside, Sora weaved through the crowd of people who had create a large jeering circle. Sora groaned seeing his Nobody at the center of it with their least favorite host and a very drunk party goers who had a fresh black eye he assumed was courtesy of Roxas. “Roxas!” Riku watched Lightning go before going to Roxas’s side. He glared at Snow. “You can’t seriously tell me you think what your friend over here did was okay?”
  21. Sora looked away in embarrassment, rubbing the back of his spiky head. “Like the oceans back home, right?” Was it conceited that he thought she was talking about him? Sora wasn’t sure. Though he did like the idea quite a bit. Hearing a surge of cries and chants from inside, Sora exchanged a worried glance with his companion. “Is it just me or does that not sound good?” Once she left the bathroom, Naminé could hear Roxas’s voice. He was angry. Maybe even as angry as he was at DiZ back in the digital twilight town. She hoped the incident that had just occurred wasn’t the reason, but Naminé had a feeling there was a direct correlation. Riku set his drink down and followed the pink haired woman. He didn’t want to say it, but he had a gut feeling one of his friends was involved in whatever fiasco awaited the downstairs.
  22. "I'd say it's my favorite color," Sora teased, "What's yours?" "C'mon dude," the other guy taunted, "like you didn't want to see." Naminé was in the bathroom now, scrubbing the stain off her shirt. "It won't come off," she grumbled in annoyance. She hoped everything was alright with Roxas out there. He did have a rather quick temper... The question, though expected, caught Riku off guard. "Ah, it's Riku. I just transferred here from Destiny University. What about yourself? Lightning, right?" Riku asked.
  23. The brunet started to laugh then, shaking his head in agreement. "College. And we haven't even started classes." He pulled piece of silly string off of Kairi's forehead. "I like orange, but I kind of wished they had picked a different color. Like red." Naminé heard the drunkard's incoherent reply. "Look man...it's fine. Now you can see through her shirt, right?" Naminé's cheeks burned red hot with embarrassment, shielding her chest as she sprinted to the nearest bathroom. Why would someone say something like that? "She seems sweet," Riku said after a moment, "Your sister I mean. Too bad she got caught up with a guy like that." Briefly, he found himself staring into her crystalline like eyes. The blue was deeper than any ocean he had seen. And Riku had seen many in his travels. Internally, he shook his head. Must be the alcohol getting to him.
  24. "We all deserve one," Sora agreed with a small smile. He thought about saying something else, but a loud holler stopped him. Sora turned his head just in time to be doused in a flurry of silly string. The perpetrators, two boys on skateboards, chortled loudly as they passed by. A moment later a crashing sound could be heard. Sora wiped the goo off his face and threw it to the ground. "Yuck! I think it's time to go back inside." Naminé's breath caught. She wasn't sure how to reply. Pursing her lips, she began to reply. "Thank you, Roxas. I just--" The weight of another unfamiliar and rather sweaty body abruptly crashed into the ghost like girl. His drink dumped all over her shirt followed by a very loud and slurred apology. Naminé's eyes widened. "I need to go to the bathroom!" Riku rolled his eyes. "The guy definitely sounds like a real winner. Does he throw parties like this often?" At the word sister, Riku suddenly understood the situation better. It had probably been established during the fight, but Riku was far more focused on the tension of the situation than he was on the actual dialogue. No wonder Lightning was upset.
  25. Sora shook his head apologetically. "Sorry. That probably seemed out of the blue huh?" He released a low laugh. "I'm just so excited for this year, but part of me can't help thinking that something will happen even though I know we're safe." Naminé's eyes softened at his words and brought a hand to his face, cupping his cheek. "I think you're perfect just the way you are." His fire and tenacity. The love he had for his friends. If those weren't reflections of perfection, she didn't know what was. Unlike her whose own past was marred by a series of convoluted lies and machinations. Sora had forgiven her, but some days Naminé had a hard time believing she was forgiven. "I'm guessing this Snow guy is a special exception to the rules?" Riku asked, arching his eyebrow. As rough as she was, Riku was still curious to know more about this stranger.
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