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aoi hoshi

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Everything posted by aoi hoshi

  1. Naminé leaned into his touch, slowly closing her own eyes. This was happiness she decided. She could feel her heart slow again, seeming to sync with his. Was it selfish that she wanted to keep this to herself? Keep him to herself? “We should probably head back inside,” she mumbled after another minute. She didn’t want to leave really, but the others might worry if they didn’t.
  2. She wrapped her arms around him and cried softly into his chest. Those three words meant more to her than she could ever express. Hearing them sent her heart soaring. “Y-You’re welcome,” she replied simply. The night felt still for that moment as he held her.
  3. “There’s no need to,” she started to sniff, suddenly overcome by his words. Why was he so sweet to her? “You...you deserved to know. No one cares when I found out. The Organization or DiZ.” I was just a tool. “But I wanted you to know the truth from someone who did.” Nobodies might have been deemed as other, but they didn’t deserve to be led blindly. Not when their own existences were at stake. Especially not when it was Roxas who had been innocent.
  4. “But the reason Sora was alsleep in the first place...was because of me. I took apart his memories,” she said meeting his eyes again. She thought back to all those fake memories she had drawn under the organization’s watch. “I put them back, but I should never have listened to them in the first place. I know everything worked out, but I still feel like a...witch.” She spat the last word as if it were full of posion. “My powers...they caused so much trouble, and I helped you. I wanted to meet you so desperately, but...” she trailed off again and squeezed his hand. “I feel like there was a better way to tell you. I was so...harsh back then.”
  5. She faced him with a watery smile. “It’s okay. What happened was in the past. I know that. It’s just...” It hurts to think about everything I did back then too. To help Sora, sure. But weren’t there things are that were better left unsaid? Didn’t she hurt Roxas? Naminé felt that same internal conflict swell in her chest until she was sure she would break.
  6. “Alright,” she agreed, following him past their onlookers and friends. She held onto his hand tightly. She did need some air. Sora arched an eyebrow at Roxas, an unspoken question hidden in his eyes. ‘Everything okay?’
  7. She nodded again. “It was like we were being torn apart again...and I still couldn’t do anything about it.” Naminé released a sigh then. The memory was painful even now. Her promise made. Diz’s hand over her mouth. The portal that she was pushed back into while DiZ plotted her disposal. Naminé clutched at her heart again, this time the gesture expressed pain.
  8. Naminé bit her lip and nodded against his chest. “Yeah...just shook me up a little is all. It made me think of...” Naminé stopped herself, not wanting to drudge up the past. Roxas was trying to move on as much as her. “Never mind.”
  9. “Right, right uhh,” Owen glanced at the doorway behind him, “well uh, I’m getting tired. So, I’m just gonna um head that way!” He jerked a thumb backward but fell back against a wall clumsily. People laughed at him, making the boy scramble as he practically ran to the exit. Naminé held onto Roxas tightly until she heard the front door close. Her frame still shook slightly, but her voice finally came out steady. “Thank you, Roxas.” She could always depend on him to protect her. “I’m sorry you had to get dragged into another fight because of me...” She seemed to be drawing the wrong attention a lot lately...
  10. Feeling the atmosphere grow thick with tension and the other patrons hard stares, Owen released Naminé. She fell toward Roxas. “Heh, it was just a joke, man. No need to get so upset.” He backed away slowly with his hands raised up defensively. “I didn’t know she had a boyfriend.” Naminé felt the tips of her ears grow hot at the word boyfriend, but she didn’t contest it. What could she say anyway?
  11. “Naminé is fine,” Owen growled and brought the girl closer to him carelessly. Like a rag doll. Naminé struggled, but his grip only tightened. “You’re the one making a big deal out things.” “Let go!” Naminé repeated, beating her free hand against his chest. This wasn’t okay. Using her powers wasn’t even possible either since Owen’s heart wasn’t connected to Sora’s. ‘And I don’t like using them anyway...’ “Get ready,” Riku told Lightning, ready to spring into action. This wasn’t good. Things were going south. Fast.
  12. “No need to apologize,” she assured, “I’m just glad to have heard you.” His warmth was comforting. Naminé, briefly, wondered how long they could stay like that? The answer was given sooner than she thought as a hand wrapped itself around her wrist and pulled her back. “Your song is over,” Owen barked coldly. He didn’t like how close the two seemed. He was the star of the show. Not this punk. Moreover, he was the one girls were supposed to swoon over! “L-Let go!” Naminé protested. Panic began to build in her chest. This wasn’t the Old Mansion. Owen wasn’t Diz. She repeated to herself mentally. She just had to get away. Owen ignored her and faced down Roxas. “I don’t know who you think you are, but this is my turf, got it?” The audience was silent during this exchange. No one moved.
  13. Naminé couldn’t help herself; she stood up and went to hug the blond boy. Her hands were around his neck. “You did amazing, Roxas! Why didn’t you ever tell me you ever tell me that you could sing?”
  14. Naminé felt her jaw drop a little at his execution of the high notes. “He’s so good!” She exclaimed and shook Kairi’s shoulder. The other girls in the bar eyed her disdainfully when she let out a cheer, but Naminé was too distracted to notice the holes their gazes seemed to be trying to burn into her ghostly skin. “Naminé seems to be enjoying herself,” Riku noted quietly to Lightning, “I don’t think Owen’s taking it very well.”
  15. Owen scoffed and tried to distract Naminé with one of his dazzling smiles, but he might as well have been invisible to blonde. She watched her friend on stage, mesmerized by his silky voice. Why had he never sung for them before? He was...”Amazing,” Naminé whispered to herself. Those feelings were back again. The ones she didn’t understand. Did she have feelings for Roxas? They were their own people now, so this draw...this pull of her heart towards him...It was hers? ‘It’s always been mine’ her mind echoed. Sora’s jaw dropped. How was Roxas able to sing this well but he wasn’t? Sora could hold a tune, but his other might as well be a pop star! “That’s not fair,” Sora whined. Riku agreed, watching Roxas croon with a shake of the head. “...Not at all.” But he was happy to have draw the focus away from the disastrous duet with Sora. Riku would never live it down, but maybe everyone would focus more on Roxas’s little showdown with Owen instead.
  16. “Excuse you,” Owen shot back with a glare. He turned back to Naminé but her eyes were wide as she followed Roxas’s movements to the stage. “Roxas...?”Naminé’s voice was caught between shock and awe. Was he going to sing? She had never heard before, despite him pursuing music. Her heart sped up in excitement. “I wonder what he’s going to sing?” She asked Kairi.
  17. Towards the end of the song, the boy stepped off the stage; the microphone was still in his hand. People cheered as he approached Naminé, crooning the chorus one last time as he reached for her hand. Naminé stiffened slightly at the gesture, not used receiving affection from anyone outside of her friend group. The boy squeezed her hand reassuringly, but Naminé couldn’t relax her heart which was racing. “Owen,” the boy introduced himself smoothly. The last notes of the song were fading now, so all that could be heard were the cheers and coos of the audience. He kissed her hand then, eyes meeting hers for a moment before Naminé had to look away. “N-Namine,” she replied and held her other hand to her heart. What was going on? Was this actually happening? “How—“ Owen began.
  18. “R-Right,” she stuttered, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. She could acknowledge his affections. There was nothing wrong with that. Although...her gaze flickered to Roxas, taking in his sulking form with a frown. He wasn’t jealous, was he? Naminé began to reach towards him, but the voice of the guy on stage interrupted. He was looking down at her with appreciative honey colored eyes. “This next one is for the pretty girl in the front,” he announced, holding the mic in one hand while pointing at Naminé with the other. His smile was wide and showed off a set of pearly white teeth. Naminé covered her burning cheeks with her hands to cool them down, but followed the words on the screen and the singer as the song began. The boy wasn’t bad. He could hold a tune and keep up with the pacing of the lyrics well. People seemed to be filming her reaction, making the blonde blush harder.
  19. Naminé flushed at the attention. Not quite sure how to react, she offered him a shy wave in acknowledgment. “What am I supposed to do?” She whispered to Kairi nervously. He wasn’t bad looking either... Riku nudged Roxas in the ribs lightly when he go to his seat. From the stage, he had seen the interaction quite clearly. “Seems like Naminé is popular here, huh?” He knew testing the blond’s patience wasn’t the best idea, but he was sure the reaction would be worth it’s weight in gold. Roxas was a well-known hot head. Riku also would take any opportunity to draw attention away from the disaster of his duet with Sora.
  20. At the end of the song, Sora threw a cheeky grin at the audience and looked back at Riku who held the microphone in one hand with knuckles growing white. “We made it!” Over the crowd’s laughter and cheers, Riku answered the other boy. His face was bright red. “I should have expected you’d go all out for something like this.” Sora shrugged. “Gotta go down with a bang, right?” “Of course,” Riku shook his head, “You would say that.”
  21. “We don’t exactly have a choice,” Sora mumbled with a visible sigh as he saw his name up on the screen next to Riku’s. The end was near. No escape. He and Riku shared defeated expressions as they walked onto the stage. The karaoke host handed them microphones as he announced them loudly over his own mic. Everyone turned to watch them with hungry eyes and phones ready. After a few seconds of silence, the lyrics as well as the instrumental started. Riku nearly dropped the mic as he recognized the pink letters offered on the screen. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” Naminé watched as the two boys sang ‘Don’t Go Breaking My Heart’ to one another. Sora appeared less distressed than Riku and even offered some accompanying theatrics that Naminé recognized from his memories of Atlantica. At his dramatic clutch of the heart, Naminé finally let out a flurry of giggles. She certainly hoped someone was recording this.
  22. “Wow,” Naminé breathed, “This is actually pretty big on the inside. Do we sit anywhere?” A woman, dressed in a purple t-shirt with the bars logo on it, stepped up to them with a warm wave. “I can find you all seats. How many are in your group?” “Six,” Naminé answered happily. The smell of freshly cooked burgers wafted from the kitchen near the corner of the bar, and Naminé felt her mouth water. She might not sing too much, but she would definitely eat. “Right this way please,” the woman said, taking her pen and scrubbing something onto a notepad she carried in her back pocket. She led to a table near the front of the stage. Around them, other groups and couples were already eating and picking out songs from the tablets provided on each table.
  23. Riku felt his limbs grow soft at her touch. Annoyance laced his voice, but he quickly relented. “I suppose we have to face the music sometime, right?” He trudged into the little bar slowly but was secretly happy to have Lightning’s hand around him still. “Just nothing too...embarrassing, alright? And one song!” He held up his index finger.
  24. Riku pales and started to turn to walk the other way. “No way. No way is this actually happening. Not over my dead body.” Had he known they would be going to a karaoke bar, he would have faked being sick. Or gone on that extra credit field trip to the local museum. Anything else really.
  25. “Do you know where we’re going?” Riku asked with a wry smile. He wasn’t quite sure how he should be interacting with her right now, but saying nothing seemed weird too. Was she happy about the date? Or was it just because of the bet that she was going?
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