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aoi hoshi

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Everything posted by aoi hoshi

  1. Naminé caught the movement of his hand but didn't comment on it. Wouldn't it be weird to ask him to hold her? "Where is the party anyway?" Sora asked, turning his attention to his best friend. Riku jerked his thumb back. "Just up the hill. One of the off-campus groups is hosting it."
  2. "Aw, thanks, Kai," Sora replied. Her bright violet eyes made his cheeks turn bright red. Was she really this excited over his costume? He supposed it made sense since she had designed it. The word cute though...It doesn't mean anything... Her fingers stopped, hovering near his bangs at his words. The compliment made her heart swell with warmth. "Thanks. Kairi really did a good job with the design, right? It's really comfortable too. Not itchy or anything." As his eyes roamed her body, Naminé found her own eyes doing the same. The toga, while not necessarily normal attire, looked great on Roxas. His athletic physique on full display. Riku pulled her towards the group, calling out to their friends. "You guys ready for the party?"
  3. Sora pushed his glasses up the ridge of his nose shyly. "You look amazing, Kairi." The word sexy came to mind, but he wasn't sure if he could voice the thought, afraid she might be put off. "You look really handsome," Naminé complimented. She noticed one of his laurels was crooked and moved to adjust it, her fingers brushing his forehead. "There." Riku closed his eyes to savor the kiss before slipping his hand into hers. "Ready?"
  4. Sora saw the girls first and waved excitedly for them to approach. He couldn't quite make out their costumes from where they were standing, but his heart thundered in anticipation. Riku caught her hand and brought it to her lips. "Who else's heart would I want to steal from? There'll never be another girl like you, Light." He knew his sentiments were cheesy, but he meant them. Light was the only one for him. He just hoped her feelings for him would remain the same.
  5. "Yeah, I want to get there before it gets too crowded and before all the good candy is eaten," Naminé added the latter as an afterthought. She wasn't as passionate about sweets as the boys were, but she certainly enjoyed a few particular kinds that had been introduced to her. "After you, toga boy," Sora returned, stepping out of their dorm first. Tonight would be interesting. "Hmm, well I think you need to lock me up then," Riku shot back with a flirtatious wiggle of his eyebrows. "Especially since I did steal your heart." He grabbed the handcuffs, stopping their spinning.
  6. "Oh, stop it," Naminé swatted her friend's words away with an embarrassed blush. "You did an amazing job with the designs." Though the question did echo in her thoughts: what would Roxas think? Would he like it? How did his costume turn out? Sora pushed the blond playfully and adjusted his bow-tie. "Maybe. I really do like the suspenders." Sora couldn't help but think of how Kairi would look. They had never worn matching costumes before, even back on the island as kids. Him and Riku usually wore something similar, but that was usually by accident. Riku whistled lowly as he eyed Lightning's costume. Kairi certainly had outdone herself. His costume had been relatively simple: a pair of black pants, long-sleeved shirt, mask, and knit cap, but Lightning..."You already look ready to arrest someone, officer," he teased.
  7. Naminé giggled seeing her friend. "You look adorable, Kairi!" She adjusted the golden laurels sitting in her hair and came to sit on her other's bed. The fabric of her gown, an elegant black, flowed with her as she walked the short distance. Her gladiator sandals gleamed and the string of fake Greek coins attached jingled. "Better than being dressed as Cupid," Sora offered with a smirk, "He usually just wears a diaper." He glanced at himself in the mirror then, catching sight of the taped up spectacles and drawn on freckles. I look ridiculous but good? His suspenders were bright red and accented with an out-of-place bow tie clinging to the collar of his floral print shirt.
  8. Sora followed after Kairi, keeping close as he climbed the stairs towards their dorm rooms. "I try." I wonder if Kairi ever wants to be with me...like she was with Noel?
  9. "We'll have to start planning our trip to Corona soon." Sora opened the door for her with a gentleman-like flourish. "After you." He wondered, at her response, what could be going through her mind? Was she happy? Sad? Tonight was a big night for her.
  10. They reached the dorms in a companionable silence, but Sora's mind whispered to him each step. Trying to coax a confession from his lips. The boy, however, managed to keep his features smooth. "Guess that's it, huh? Back to classes tomorrow."
  11. “We should probably get going...” Those weren’t the words he wanted to say, but what else could he convey without giving away his feelings?
  12. "Kairi...," Sora started but couldn't finish the thought. This didn't feel like the right time. They were close. So close. But something about the moment felt too public. They were in their own world right now, but their bubble of bliss could be so easily popped. What where would the right place be? The right time?
  13. Sora closed his eyes, leaning into Kairi's touch as he brought his own hand to cover hers. "Thanks...It means a lot hearing that from you." Me and Riku. We were always trying to impress you as kids. But he seemed better than me.
  14. Sora found himself bashful again. "Well...you know, growing up with Riku...he was always the more "admirable" one. I'm more ordinary by comparison." He wanted to draw closer to her, her violet eyes magnetic. But the space between them was already so limited. He didn't want to push her boundaries too much.
  15. "Ad...miring me?" Was there really anything to admire about him. He was just an ordinary boy from an island, right? At least that's what he had always been told. Sora wasn't the 'cool' one like Riku. Not that he begrudged his friend anything. Riku was great. It was just...
  16. He watched her expression shift and tilted his head, much like a puppy would. "Something wrong, Kai?" Sora's voice came out collected but inside he his heart shook.
  17. Sora breathed in the moment. The lilac scent of her shampoo, the soft glow of her red hair...how she just felt perfect in his arms...He wanted to kiss her. The desire had come up more than once recently, but in this moment, Sora found his heart nearly breaking at the thought of not making that one final vow. I can't just kiss her though. Her feelings...I don't know what she's thinking. How she feels about me...
  18. Sora's arms only stayed at his sides a second before wrapping them around Kairi tightly. Her frame was slender and fit perfectly against his, and when her voice was in his ear, Sora tried to keep the red from his cheeks from becoming to obvious. "You're welcome. I'm glad I found it." I'm glad I found you...
  19. "It really does suit you," Sora complimented. The light violet tinge brought out her eyes, and the sea shell, it was a reminder of who Kairi was: an islander.
  20. Sora's hands, as expected, trembled slightly, but he managed to open the clasp. The seashell moved along the chain as Sora wound it around her neck. Even as the sun's colors faded into night, the accessory sparkled. "Fits like a charm," he mumbled, pulling back once the clasp clicked shut.
  21. "D-Do you want me to put it on?" Sora asked. His hands might shake, but the clasp wouldn't be too hard, right? He could keep his cool. Maybe.
  22. Sora looked away, rubbing the back of his head. "I was at an antique shop a few weeks ago, and this old man. Er, the shop owner I mean. He just...came up to me and told me I needed to buy it. He said it's one of a kind, and um...well, it made me think of you."
  23. Sora shook his head and placed a hand on her shoulder. "You deserve it." She really did. Kairi was the most kind, patient, and selfless person he had ever met. This necklace was barely anything comparable to what she really deserved.
  24. "We do," Sora agreed. He stuck his hands in his pockets then; his fingers touched the soft velvet of the jewelry box. The necklace. Drawing the box from his pocket slowly, Sora presented it to Kairi with a shy smile. "Um...I almost forgot, but this is for you. I thought it would look good on you."
  25. "I always believed in you," Sora murmured quietly. Back home, Kairi was always making beautiful things. Her mother, the mayor's wife, was a craftswoman herself and often sold things at the local markets on Destiny Islands. Kairi never participated, but Sora had expected her talent to shine through one day.
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