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aoi hoshi

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Everything posted by aoi hoshi

  1. Naminé didn't answer Roxas directly but made a motion with her head towards where the red head was standing with Sora. She would help diffuse things. "I think we should go back to the others," Sora murmured. He didn't want to leave. But they probably should, right?
  2. "Sora and Kairi have been best friends since they were children," Naminé explained gently, "They've been through a lot together." Like Roxas and I. Her eyes flickered to the blond boy beside her. She wanted to tell Noel there was nothing to worry about, but Naminé couldn't lie.
  3. "Of course. Anything for you, Kai," Sora said softly. No matter what it took. He would make sure she was happy. Naminé sensed the jealousy leaking from the tall brunet. She felt bad for him; the blonde understood the pain one's heart could cause. "Something wrong, Noel?"
  4. "I'd be honored," Sora grinned, "Text me when you need me, and I'll be there." They still had time. Not much considering the scope of the project, but Sora was determined to help Kairi succeed. He wanted her to have the highest marks in the class! Her nose brushing against his neck tickled, but he refused to move away. Not even an inch. Maybe it was wrong to be this close. Just one more minute...
  5. His grip on her tightened. A slight squeeze to reassure her that he was here. That he didn't want to leave. Part of him felt bad for Noel. He knew the other boy wouldn't like their close proximity, but, like a moth to a flame, Sora was drawn to her--her magnetic blue eyes, soft smile, and kind heart. "Do you think...do you think we could try finishing that project sometime this week? Unless I mean...you had someone else help you. I know the due date was coming up soon." He felt bad for leaving her hanging because of the fight. Kairi was serious about school.
  6. "I promise," Sora vowed and drew the red haired princess into his arms. His whisper was against her skin. "I couldn't stand being away from you like that. Drove me crazy." And it had. Sora wasn't sure he could survive the silence a second time. Their hearts were so intertwined. Even if it wasn't how he wished. They were part of one another's lives. Forever.
  7. When she leaned into his touch, Sora smiled warmly. He had missed this. "Can you...forgive me, Kairi?" If she would forgive him. Even if she wanted to be with someone that wasn't him. If she would just forgive him, he would try his hardest...to support them. Her and Noel.
  8. Seeing the tear cascade down her cheek, Sora's eyes widened. He pulled himself upright and, without thinking, moved her hands away from her face to brush his thumb along her cheek. "Please...don't cry, Kairi. I don't like it when you cry," Sora murmured quietly, soothingly. His heart ached at the sight. How could he have done this to her?
  9. Sora wanted to bang his head against the tree. The confession was on the tip of his tongue. "Because...because I'm jealous." There he said it. "I wish we could spend more time together...I miss my best friend." He didn't want to lose Kairi. He couldn't lose her. "You've been spending so much time with Noel. I guess it kinda feels like you don't need me anymore..." Which was true, even if it wasn't entirely true.
  10. "That's not it," Sora said hastily. He didn't want to fall into that conversation again, even if he wasn't particularly fond of Kairi dating anyone. "I just...really care about you, Kairi. I'm sorry if I'm coming across like a real jerk. I've missed talking to you. I..." He released a shaky breath. "I can't be happy when I'm not around you. This Noel thing is just...hard." He wanted to support her. He did. Noel wasn't even a bad guy either. It was his heart that was the problem.
  11. "..." Sora chewed his bottom lip. What could he say to that question without giving his heart away? "It's...weird. I don't know quite how to say it right. Just me and Riku have usually been your only guy friends...Ugh. None of this is coming out right." Sora rubbed his face with his hands.
  12. "...I just...," Sora released a tired, exasperated sigh and ran a hand through his hair, "It's hard to see you...with Noel." Because I want to be with you. He couldn't say that either though. Not with Noel involved.
  13. Sora shook his head quickly and held up his hands defensively. "N-No! I mean not that I could see. He seems...nice." Perfect really. Probably more fun than me.
  14. The questioned startled him. He hadn't been expecting her to ask so directly. What did he say? What could he say? "I...I don't know. We fought and then I guess..." He rubbed the back his head and finally looked up at her periwinkle eyes. The hurt in them was evident, and Sora hated that he had caused it. "I just don't know what to do." Sora confessed quietly. "I'm sorry for what I said and how I said it, but...I don't like seeing you be treated like a piece of meat." I don't like other guys looking at you at all really. But he couldn't voice those thoughts.
  15. "It's fine. I'm fine," Sora said offhandedly, "Don't worry too much about me. I'll probably head back to the dorms soon. Let Roxas have some alone time with Naminé." He wanted to stay for Roxas's performance, but Noel's presence made it difficult. Or more his closeness with Kairi.
  16. Sora shrugged, trying to hide his apathy with a half smile. "I'm...fine. Just kinda bored I guess. Roxas and Naminé have been trying to get to play some games, but I don't know if I really want to play those either." He could smell her perfume now--the one she probably wore when thinking of going out with Noel tonight. Lucky...
  17. "Hey," he offered in return, "H-How are you?" Happy he was sure, but the question still felt necessary? Maybe she had missed him like he missed her? Sora wasn't quite so sure though.
  18. The boy looked up, slightly frustrated that his heart leaped at the sound of her voice, but also...relieved? He hadn't spoken to Kairi in too long. The uncertainty in her voice, that usually rang out confidently, caused him to hesitate as well. "K-Kairi?" He wanted to ask where Noel was, but the boy's name was still like poison on his lips.
  19. Naminé took the stuffed unicorn and held it under her arm and watched her friend approach the glum boy with a hopeful smile. Please let them be okay.
  20. "He's over there," Naminé pointed out the boy in the red hoodie now sitting beneath a large oak tree picking at platelets of grass. There was an air of lifelessness about him. His eyes were downcast, and other festival attendees seemed to even avoid him.
  21. Finally, Naminé turned towards her other; the expression she wore was warm and encouraging as she touched the girl's arm with a pale hand. "You two need to talk. Noel will understand. He knows Sora is someone special to you." Though, admittedly, the word special had many connotations. She wondered if Noel could see it?
  22. Naminé bit her lip, thinking about what she would say very carefully. She couldn't expose Sora's heart no matter how much she wanted to see the two happy together. "You and Sora...have known each other for a long time. You're...best friends." Her voice faltered slightly at the term. "You're hearts are connected...tightly to one another." His memories of you are the most important ones he has. Without those, Sora is no longer Sora.
  23. Naminé kept her focus on the boys, but her words were for Kairi. "You two should talk. Sora hasn't been himself at all lately." Barely smiling. Picking at his food. Staring off into space. The keyblade's chosen one was barely alive.
  24. "He seems to be," Naminé observed, watching the two boys with a faint smile. It was good seeing Roxas at least enjoy his little competition. "Have you and Sora talked at all? He's been pretty quiet with us lately." He misses you, Kairi.
  25. "How are things going with you two?" Naminé asked, "You two seem pretty happy..." Naminé wasn't sure how much she should say, but her eyes kept wandering back to the unicorn in Kairi's arm.
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