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aoi hoshi

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Everything posted by aoi hoshi

  1. Sora exhaled slowly and shakily before nodding his head. Kairi was right. Noel wasn't worth it. He was just trying to bait him into a fight, and then what? Campus security would be here and they would have to talk to the dean and maybe even the school's president. They could even end up expelled. "You're right...Let's go now. I don't want to fight if I don't have to."
  2. "Did you just grab her wrist when she said she was done with you? Because I'm pretty sure that isn't okay. Or when you made some pretty nasty insinuations about our relationship," Sora shot back angrily. Don't summon the keyblade. Don't summon the keyblade. Sora chanted in his head. The world order was more important than teaching some jerk a lesson.
  3. "She said she was done," Sora said lowly and pulled Kairi to him. Out of Noel's grasp. "So, I'd suggest you leave now before things get physical. Because I will always be here to protect Kairi. And even if I'm at her 'beck and call,' so what? She's my best friend. She's special to me. Whatever she needs, I'll find." It was his oath. No matter who she chose, Sora would always be there for her. Find his way back to her. Because she was his home.
  4. "This is getting out of hand," Riku growled, his eyes burning. Whatever Noel said wasn't okay. That much he could tell. "I can't believe I trusted you with my best friend," Sora snarled, suddenly beside the red haired girl. "Treating her like this? In public? Either you've got some serious balls or you're really that much of a tool."His blue eyes, normally bright with cheer, were glinting with livid fire; he hand that usually held the keybalde twitched. "Kairi and I are best friends. Nothing has ever happened between us, and more impartially, Kairi respects herself enough not to let herself be used like that." How could he even insinuate things like that about her? About his Kairi. It made Sora sick with anger.
  5. "I wonder where Sora is?" Naminé mused to herself. She searched the crowd for a familiar head of spikes, but found the boy to be nowhere in sight. ​I only hope Noel doesn't try to do anything too reckless. His heart is filled with so much anger right now. Had the Organization still been in existence, Naminé could have easily seen them trying to turn Noel into a Nobody. Riku clenched his fists and took a step forward. Maybe he should do something? Noel was getting more and more aggressive with Kairi. She was, of course, strong enough in her own right, but his protective nature urged him to act. Sora...where are you?
  6. Naminé squinted her eyes at the arguing duo but shook her head. "No idea. Kairi never mentioned being this angry at him to me." Though she had mentioned that being frustrated about something a few days ago. The artist simply never pressed her other on details. "I have a feeling it has something to do with Sora," Riku commented with a grimace. Not that he had any details to share himself, but Sora has been a hot topic, that he was sure of. The festival wasn't exactly the friendliest meet up imaginable.
  7. "No problem," Sora replied and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, "I'm just glad I could help out." Now, all that was left was for Kairi to get an A! (which she definitely deserved given the quality of her piece).
  8. "It'll be my treat," Sora added with a cheesy grin, "so no need to worry about anything!" He would make Kairi smile. She deserved to smile all the time.
  9. "We can grab a bite to eat afterwards," Sora suggested, trying to lighten the mood. They could head to a nearby cafe once they were done. There was a pastry shop just a few minutes away from campus.
  10. "It's fine," Sora said, with a shrug. "Noel was being a jerk. Not your fault." He didn't want to comment too much though and end up in the same argument as last time. It wasn't worth potentially hurting Kairi over some jealous guy. Though, he did feel a little bad for Noel. The situation was awkward at best.
  11. "I trust Kairi," Sora said lowly, "Do you? Because it seems like you don't." Not that had been perfect when it came to this either, but he did, at the end of the day, trust his best friend.
  12. "Yeah, a project. She needed a model, and I'm helping her out. That's it." Sora shot back angrily. He didn't like how Noel was treating Kairi. "You need to relax, dude. You two are the ones dating. I'm just a friend." The words hurt coming out of his mouth, but it was the truth. Noel was the special person in Kairi's life, and that was something he had to accept.
  13. Sora leapt back as if the measuring tape were on fire. "N-Noel!?" Sora exclaimed with wide eyes. Of course he had to show up here. Now. Right at the most awkward part. Of course. What was he supposed to say now? "It's not what...It's not what it looked like!"
  14. Sora shuffled his feet, so that they were shoulder-width apart. ​This is it. The most awkward part. Sora kept his gaze on the door across the room and schooled his mouth into a flat line. He didn't want to make Kairi feel uncomfortable about any of this. She needed to succeed. Which means she needs to measure...everywhere.
  15. "Doesn't look like nothing~" Sora sang back, though he was nervous as she measured around his backside. So close. Too close... He wondered briefly what Noel would think if he saw them like this. The boy Kairi was practically dating. Would he be angry? Sora didn't care that much about Noel, but he didn't necessarily want more tension with the other boy either. If only for Kairi's sake. But what are the chances of him seeing us like this? And it's not like we're doing anything wrong. This is for school.
  16. "What's the matter, Kai?" Sora asked, trying to keep his voice level. She was so close right now. Her lilac shampoo floating through the air and around him. Intoxicating him. Her red hair fell down her shoulders and tickled his cheeks as she measured--the only thing keeping his focus away from where her measuring tape was currently.
  17. Sora flushed and pushed Kairi playfully. "I don't normally have to strip for class assignments," he teased back. Shimmying out of his pants, Sora used his foot to kick the garment aside. His shorts were red with tiny gold crowns.
  18. "R-Right," he affirmed with a small tremor in his voice. He could do this. Kairi was his best friend. This was only weird only if he made it weird. This was strictly for her project. "I trust you," Sora amended after a moment.
  19. "Oh yeah, pants," Sora affirmed lightheartedly. The implications of her statement hadn't quite sunk in. "That shouldn't be a problem." Pants weren't a big deal, right? Just a little more measuring around the...Sora paled slightly and swallowed. Now he understood. Pants. "Um...yeah, no problem." Kairi will be quick. It won't be too awkward.
  20. Sora sucked in a breath as she undid the pins; he knew she was being careful, but there still a slight stiffness to his posture in anticipation of a tiny jabs from the needles. "Phew," Sora sighed once the jacket slid off his arms, "What next?"
  21. "Like this?" Sora asked, turning around slowly with his arms outstretched. He felt a little silly doing this, twirling much like a princess with an invisible ball gown, but it was for Kairi. The way she bit her lip...She can make anything beautiful.
  22. Sora visibly stiffened out of fear. He may have saved the worlds (three times!), but needles were still his worst enemy. "Just hurry then!" It was nice being with Kairi, but he would be glad to be done with all these pins. They still had the pants though...I just hope that part goes especially fast.
  23. "How much longer, Kairi?" Sora whined. They were back at the studio again working on her project (which was due in only a few days now), but Sora found himself wriggling around with anticipation to finish up this last bit of the needlework. Everything was coming together nicely, but the standing still...? Sora wasn't a fan.
  24. "That looks good." He clicked on the title. An upbeat song began to play as a friendly neighborhood filled the screen. Riku had never seen this movie before, but he was curious to know where it went. "Have you seen this one before?"
  25. Riku cleared his throat but didn't say anything as he brought the laptop back over to Lightning's bed. "You can choose," Riku said settling down beside Lightning again. His arm found its way back around her shoulders. "What do you want? Rom Com? Drama? There are some new titles too," Riku mumbled, having logged into Netflix. He used her mouse to scroll past the various genres.
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