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aoi hoshi

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Everything posted by aoi hoshi

  1. "I wouldn't be so sure," Naminé murmured, thinking of Alexis who had been so cruel over such a small thing. I don't want to start pointing fingers, but it's not a stretch to think that this girl had something to do with what happened. Jealousy taints the heart, makes it callous.
  2. "Anyone who doesn't like you in your classes?" Naminé asked. Kairi had mentioned one girl giving her the cold shoulder in her fashion class, but what motivation could that person have had. "I really don't understand how anyone could have that kind of vendetta against you though," Sora mused with a frown. Really, who could hate Kairi of all people?
  3. "O-Okay," Naminé said, "If you're sure. I just...don't want to be a bad friend to you. I still can't believe people with hearts can be so terrible." Wasn't a heart supposed to make you human? Give you sympathy and empathy? "Do you know who did it?"
  4. "I'm glad," Naminé said with a relieved sigh, "but..." She looked down at her smoothie. "I should be the one apologizing to you. I just stood there when everything happened instead of helping." She turned to Sora then and offered the boy a small, appreciative smile. "Thank you for taking care of Kairi." Sora blinked at the blond girl in confusion. "Of course!"
  5. "Heh, you don't branch out much, do ya, Rox?" Sora teased, sitting up so that he could reach for his smoothie. He handed Kairi hers first, hoping the tangy flavor would bring a smile back to her lips. Naminé waved and moved to sit on the edge of her own bed adjacent from Kairi's. "How are you feeling?" she asked quietly.
  6. "Oh, yeah," Sora chuckled and rolled his eyes in amusement, "Talks about her all the time. I don't understand why he doesn't tell her his feelings." Not that he was one to talk. His feelings for Kairi had yet to see the light, and Sora wasn't sure when he would say anything. If he could say anything. "You're right," Naminé said shaking her head, "Kairi is my friend. She won't be mad. It was...out of anyone's control." Seeing the door up ahead, Naminé sucked in a breath and walked up with her key in hand. She unlocked the door, keeping a small smile intact as she saw Sora and Kairi inside. "Hey, guys..."
  7. "I'm pretty sure Roxas will want to," Sora replied with a grin, "especially if Naminé is there." His other's feelings were so obvious. He was almost as bad as Sora himself. One way we're alike I guess. Because Sora still firmly believed that he and Roxas were different. But there were definitely similarities between the two of them. ​Like how we both don't confess to the girls we like... "Hmm?" Naminé looked up tiredly. She was still nervous to talk to Kairi. Not because the red head would be unkind (Kairi was one of the sweetest people Naminé knew), but...What if she was mad? What if she does think I'm a bad friend?
  8. "Roxas and I have a little extra munny, and I've been wanting to see that new super hero movie anyway. Besides, you need some time off campus," Sora said gently. It wouldn't help to isolate herself day and night. Kairi needed to get out for a little while and clear her head with some fresh air. "It'll be fun, and I'm sure Roxas and Naminé will want to come too." I'd invite Riku, but he and Lightning already made plans I think.
  9. Without hesitation, Sora plopped down beside her with a soft creak slipping from the mattress. He settled his hands on his stomach and looked up at the ceiling. He wondered how long they had till Roxas came with the smoothies. "Maybe we should go out to a movie tonight?" Let you take your mind off things for a little while...
  10. Sora frowned. There was more to this story than what it seemed, and he had a gut feeling that things would only escalate until the perpetrators (because the brunet knew there had to be more than one person involved) were caught. "Yeah...I hope so too, but even if something else happens, I'll be right by your side," Sora vowed, his hand digging into his pocket to clutch at the godlike charm Kairi had made. He wouldn't let them hurt her anymore.
  11. Sora grimaced at the idea of someone stalking Kairi. It was entirely possible given how beautiful the red head was. "But why would someone from a photography class do that? Unless they were working with someone...?" Though who was another question entirely. Who would hate Kairi that much? How could anyone hate Kairi that much?
  12. Sora didn't want to admit that she was probably right, but she was probably right. Noel may be a jerk, but he wasn't that awful. He also wasn't involved in any kind of photography classes from what Sora had gathered. "Yeah, I don't think it was him either. Where is that picture of you even from?"
  13. "No kidding," Sora said and plopped into the chair adjacent to her bed. He wondered how long it would take before whoever did this was caught. "Do you have any idea who would have done this?" He didn't want to say Noel, but after the fight...
  14. "Sure," Naminé answered. She was sure Kairi could use something sweet after all this chaos. Once they finally reached the dorms, Sora followed Kairi into her room. Some of the girls watched them with gossip hungry eyes, but Sora cast them a look dark enough that they had the sense to turn back around. "Roxas should be here any minute," Sora said.
  15. "Of course," Sora said with a small grin. He wiped another tear from her cheek before bringing out his phone. "I'll text Roxas and ask him to bring us a couple of smoothies. He said he would be going to the caf anyway." He wished there was something more he could do for her, but a smoothie would have to be a decent start at least. Naminé followed without hesitation, catching flyers with her other hand and crumpling them. How many of these existed?! She wanted to snatch them away from the people who held onto them, but there was only so much they could do...
  16. "You're still you," Sora insisted firmly, "No amount of photoshopping could ever change that. That picture may have had your face, but it wasn't you. I know you. We all do. This doesn't change anything. The only thing I feel is anger towards whoever did this to you." There better be severe consequences for this kind of bullying. I won't attend a school that isn't just. "O-Okay," Naminé replied, uncertain still but more relaxed now that Roxas was with her. They would take this one step at a time. Take down the posters and then she could talk to Kairi. Apologize for being so helpless. I'll draw her something too. Maybe of the islands. It was moments like these that Naminé realized how much she needed Roxas in her life. The boy she had guided in that digital town. It was amazing how a few words from him helped her push forward.
  17. Sora couldn't deny that he felt uncomfortable with the image, but it wasn't Kairi's fault some pervert made that image. Let alone distributed it all across campus. "It's not your fault," Sora soothed, "We all know that. I know that." He ran a hand through her hair. It was like a fine red silk. "Me, Riku, Roxas, Naminé and Lightning. We're your friends. We won't leave you. I don't know even know how we could you're so important us." Especially to me. I love you, Kairi. Naminé nodded, but the gesture was half-hearted. She really needed to figure this being her own person thing out. To protect the ones I love. Kairi was like her sister, and Naminé wanted to be there for her. "Do you think whoever did this will be caught?"
  18. Sora bit his lip, visibly deflating even as he brought her close to him. He was trying to be optimistic, but the brunet realized it wasn't helping. This situation wasn't a quick fix. The poster was all around campus, so everyone had likely seen it or at least heard about it. "We'll get through this," Sora amended, "We're gonna find out who did this. They need to be held accountable." "I'm...," Naminé struggled for a moment to find the right words, "I feel useless. I wanted to help Kairi, but I just froze. She's probably crying, and I couldn't even say her name." She held her hands against her heart, expression pained. It's just like when I was under Marluxia's thumb. Helpless. Pathetic. Speechless...
  19. Sora glared at the guy; the expression on his face enough to make the boy snap his wandering eyes forward again. "Let's get a smoothie then," Sora offered, holding out his hand with a half smile. "Kairi?" He saw the tears then and pressed his lips together. What was wrong with people? Was there really that much cruelty in people's hearts? He walked around her so that they were face-to-face. "It'll be okay," Sora assured gently and brought a thumb to her cheek to erase the tear streaks on her cheeks. Naminé lifted her head at the sound of her name but could only give a weak smile when she saw Roxas approach. "Hey...," she mumbled with a sigh.
  20. "I'll come with," Sora replied quietly. He couldn't let her be alone. Not when this was happening. "Where do you wanna go?" He wasn't sure where somewhere private would be, but there had to be someplace they could hide out for a little while. He would suggest his and Roxas's dorm, but that would likely only add fuel to the rumors. Naminé looked at the space Kairi had been and then back her own hands, which were clenched in frustration. Why couldn't she say anything? Why didn't she do anything? Kairi was her best friend. Yet, she did nothing to help. I should find her. I should help her. Why could she help Kairi escape prison cell but could only stare blankly when something like this happened? Kairi must think I'm pathetic...
  21. Hurt flashed across Sora's face briefly, but that quickly dissolved into anger when he saw the poster. The photoshop was hastily done, but the image it created was clear. "Who did this?" Sora growled. The paper crumpled in his hand. If it was Noel, Sora didn't think he could hold back. Whoever did this was sick.
  22. Sora followed Roxas's gaze and furrowed his brows as he saw a familiar trail of red hair fly past. It was Kairi, but...why was she running? A sick feeling pooled at the bottom of Sora's stomach. This isn't good. Something's wrong. "I'll catch you later," Sora told his other, not bothering to see the boy's reaction as he broke into a sprint. I have to find her. Luckily, years of training and adventuring had given Sora a great deal of speed and stamina. He caught up to Kairi with relative ease, and caught her wrist. "K-Kairi! What's wrong?"
  23. Naminé tried to say something, anything to help, but her lips were dry. The blonde was paralyzed. Did these people really have hearts? Say something, Naminé. Kairi needs you. "..." But what would help? What was she supposed to do?
  24. Naminé's heart stopped, horror filling her eyes. Was that supposed to be...Kairi?! Another student passed by, a boy in one of her art classes, and wolf whistled at Kairi. "Is there a sign up sheet or do I just stop by?" the boy hollered over his shoulder.
  25. "True," Naminé agreed. She was about to say something else when a brightly colored poster caught her eye. It didn't look to be for an event, but the blonde noticed several students holding a copy as they gawked. What was going on? What was on the poster?
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