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aoi hoshi

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Everything posted by aoi hoshi

  1. Naminé kept her hand wound firmly around Roxas's as they left the theater, willing him to stay by her side and not make a second dive towards Owen. Not that I blame him, but Roxas can't end up expelled from the university over Owen. She was quiet for another minute, playing with a number of responses before settling on: "Thank you, Roxas."
  2. Sora's eyes widened at the kiss. The subtle and delicate brush of her lips made his entire body buzz with warm heat; Sora touched the spot on his cheek, grinning widely. It made his anger dissolve. Not entirely, but enough to resist the primal urge to hunt Travis down with his keyblade. "Heh, I think we're getting close to the dorms now, huh? I need to grab a few things first from my room though."
  3. He breathed in heavily, and brought her close to him again. "Thank you," he murmured, "I needed to hear that. I never want to let you down. Those are guys are really lucky to be leaving with minimal injuries." He said the last part a little more darkly. If the girls hadn't been there, if the theater security hadn't been there...Sora was sure the damage would have been more than a few bruises and a broken nose for those two.
  4. His eyes met hers, and there was a sadness that he knew he couldn't hide from her in them. A sense of failure. How could she think he was hero when he could barely make it in time to help?
  5. "I still feel like we should have done more," Sora said lowly. Things hadn't gone as far as they could have, but they still went far. Too far.
  6. "Yeah, she's probably pretty shaken up by happened too," Sora replied with a frown. He was glad Roxas was here tonight. The brunet wasn't sure he could comfort both girls. Not because he didn't care about Naminé. She was awesome, but...she wasn't Kairi. Though he's sure Roxas felt the same way about Naminé. "I wish we could have gotten there sooner."
  7. Sora visibly relaxed, drawing away slightly to take her hand. His nod was resolute. "Okay, then. But...wait," Sora said with growing embarrassment of his own, "What about Naminé?" He wasn't quite sure Roxas would approve knowing Naminé would be in the room with him as well.
  8. Seeing her expression falter, Sora quickly amended. "Not that I don't want to! It's just...," He sighed. "I don't want to seem like I'm taking advantage of you or something like that..." He would never be able to live with himself otherwise.
  9. Sora's breath caught. She was asking him to...stay? "Um...," he hesitated. Was it okay? He wouldn't be taking advantage of her, right? "Are you sure?" They had never shared a room before, even as children on the islands. He wouldn't feel uncomfortable himself, but would Kairi feel awkward about it later?
  10. Sora drew her closer then, savoring her warmth. Was it selfish that he didn't want to share her? His hand settled at her waist. This feels right. "You're welcome," he murmured into her hair. Sora remembered Travis inhaling her sweet scent just moments ago. But she's here now. With me. Safe.
  11. "None of this is your fault," Sora assured her, shaking his head sadly. Was that what she was worried about. "Kairi I lo--I mean I care about you." Sora caught himself before the confession could slip out. "What matters to me is that you're safe and happy. This photo thing isn't okay, but I would never think anything less of you because of it. I know you. I know the kind of person you are. These pictures and those stupid guys can't trick me."
  12. This was the moment of truth for Sora as a bolt of anger surged through his body. Every hair on end. Every part of him wanting to turn around, summon the keyblade, and disable Travis from every being able to reproduce. The look on Kairi's face, however, stopped him dead in his tracks; he touched one of her hands gently. "Hey," he said softly,"I'm here. You're not alone. I promise."
  13. Sora close his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. Why hadn't he heard the comments? He was supposed to have better hearing than that as a keyblade warrior. "Did they...touch you right away?"
  14. "I'll probably be angry," Sora answered slowly, "but I want to be here for you, which means knowing everything." This would be a test of his will--to not storm back and beat Travis within an inch of his sad life. But if it was for Kairi...Sora would soldier through.
  15. "...It's okay to be upset, you know?" Sora said quietly, "I know you're strong, but this crossed the line completely. Just..." Sora sighed again and raked a hand through his hair. He wanted to tell her how he felt. That if anyone were to hold her close, it should be him and only him--but that seemed weird. Wrong even in this context. "I'm here if you need to talk about it. I don't want you to be alone."
  16. "Of course," Sora met her eyes with a tender smile, "I'll always be here for you, Kairi." Another moment of silence passed before Sora asked. "I think the more important question here is...are you okay?" Sora likely only saw a preview of the harassment. He didn't want to think what else had happened in his absence. Even the idea of some creep running his hands all over Kairi brought that same fire back into gut. It was one of the few times Sora genuinely wanted someone to pay.
  17. A beat passed before Sora finally answered, a long sigh releasing itself. "...Not really. What they did to you and Naminé...what they were going to do..." The hand that wasn't holding Kairi's balled into a tight fist. I should have left sooner. If I had been any later...Sora couldn't even finish the thought. All he knew was that the keyblade would have made an appearance, and it wouldn't have been pretty.
  18. Sora squeezed her hand in acknowledgement. Tonight hadn't been what they expected, but hopefully, Owen and Travis finally learned their lesson. Sora wasn't sure if he could hold back a second time.
  19. Naminé touched Roxas's shoulder gently before dropping her hand to grab his. The anger practically radiated off of him. "Let's go home." Sora, looking to Kairi, answered the officers. "Thanks. We'll get going."
  20. Naminé stepped forward with lips pursed. She could only imagine what Owen had said. Roxas may be on the impulsive side, but his anger was usually warranted. "Roxas...," she said more softly. Owen sneered. "I don't think so. Quiet ones like that," He jerked his head towards Naminé, "They just pretend to be innocent--" Slap Owen's head snapped to the side; a small, red handprint decorated his normally pale skin. Naminé breathed heavily, shoulders trembling. But her blue eyes were on fire. "Stop."
  21. Owen cackled even as his body hit the ground. "That's it, isn't it?" Owen taunted, spitting blood, "She won't put out for you. How pathetic." Even Sora was shocked by the blond's actions. He helped separate the two boys, grabbing onto Roxas with a firmly. "Dude, what's wrong with you?" he hissed. Of course he was angry too, but, they couldn't afford to get into any major kind of trouble right now! And I'm pretty sure we all are now... "Roxas!" Naminé echoed Kairi's cry as she watched Roxas dive at Owen. What even happened!? Did he say something? "Break it up!" the first security guard said, moving to grab Owen. What was wrong with kids these days?
  22. “You’re just jealous you haven’t gotten anything,” Owen muttered as he moved to his respective side. Naminé definitely would have been a good lay. Her friend too. “Do ya think we should just let them go?” The first officer whispered to the other. But they could get in trouble for that...
  23. The first security guard looked uneasy, hearing Kairi’s claim. If they tried disputing this... “It’s true,” Naminé added, ignoring Owen’s angry glare at her back, “They followed us to the bathroom. They...they were going to...” the words became stuck in her throat. She couldn’t say it. What they did. What they were going to do... “They’re lying!” Owen snarled abruptly and staggered to his feet. He jabbed a finger towards Naminé this time. “They were trying to seduce us!”
  24. “Wait! But he—“ Sora began to protest but his voice was cut off by one of the burly security guards. His hair was a mix of brown and gray, and he towered the boys by at least a foot. “What’s going on here?” Owen’s face crumpled dramatically and he pointed weakly up at Roxas. “These two attacked my friend and I out of nowhere!” He accused.
  25. Naminé heard the voices too and glanced at Kairi briefly before running towards Roxas. “I’ve got Roxas,” she called over her shoulder. They couldn’t let the boys get in trouble over this. She wanted to believe the security officers wouldn’t punish Sora and Roxas, but... A loud gasp from Owen could be heard as he doubled over from the blow. ‘I can’t let him win again...!’ He’d take Naminé away and make her his... Sora tightened his grip on Travis. He knew he should let it go at this point to avoid trouble, but...Sora raised a fist, ready to inflict a devastating blow. Naminé threw her arms around Roxas’s waist from behind abruptly; her eyes were squeezed tightly together as she spoke against his back. “Roxas, please, stop!”
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