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aoi hoshi

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Everything posted by aoi hoshi

  1. Naminé was the first to notice Kairi's absence and went to find her friend. "Kairi?" she called, blue eyes darting around as she wandered from room to room. It was understandable she would be so upset. Sora's defensiveness of Kairi was expected, but the temperament that accompanied it was not.
  2. Riku followed close behind Light. What was Sora thinking? In some ways, it was hard to believe that this was Sora at all. His friend was usually so cheerful and not exactly prone to fist fights. He could only gather that this whole mess has something to do with Kairi, and if there was anything in the worlds that could possibly set his friend off, it would be something happening to her. "Let's just go, alright? Whatever happened isn't worth it, Sora." Sora shook his head but relented, his once coiled muscles loosening. "You're right. He's not worth it. But..." Sora paused to look the drunkard dead in the eye, "If you ever say anything to Kairi again, even about her...I won't hold back."
  3. Sora hit the ground hard, and the wind was knocked right out of him. But I can't give up. Sora was pinned for only a moment before regaining his breath and offering a sharp kick to his opponent. He fed off of the crowd's eager chants and his heart's own darkness as he then assaulted the tipsy drunk with a barrage of well-aimed punches. Hurting Kairi was unforgivable. He should be doing this, right?
  4. Blood trailed down the corner of Sora's mouth as he staggered back. This guy had a better punch than he had anticipated. Still not anywhere near as bad as the Organization. Sora moved his head before another punch could be thrown at him and grabbed onto the guy's arm before swinging him towards the punch bowl. "Kairi? Roxas?" Naminé looked between the two of them before grabbing onto his arm. "What are you doing? We can't let them keep fighting like this!" Sora's heart...it's so full of anger right now. I'm afraid of what he might do, even if it's to protect Kairi.
  5. Sora nodded to Roxas, silently thanking his other. "Blindfolded." He moved quickly, landing a swift kick to the guy's abdomen. "Be careful!" Naminé called out. She better find Kairi. This fight was likely to get bloody.
  6. "Don't worry, Kairi," Sora said before his fiery gaze focused back on his opponent, "I haven't even gotten warmed up yet." His fingers itched for his keyblade. Just one hit. One hit would take this guy out. "Okay..." Naminé bit her lip and wrung her hands together worriedly. What if this turned into some kind of brawl? To think anyone would still be holding onto the memory of that...flyer though. It made Naminé sick.
  7. Without hesitation, Sora punched the guy in the jaw. The collision itself wasn't audible over the music, but the loud gasps from their growing audience were. "Shut up! You don't know anything about her!" "Sora...Roxas, we have to help!" Naminé exclaimed. Seeing Sora like that. So angry...she hadn't seen that in a long time. Not since Xehanort...
  8. Sora calmed a little Kairi's touch but still maintained his glare. "Yeah, well, and now it's time to go. C'mon, Kai."
  9. Sora narrowed his eyes at the guy and pulled Kairi away and behind him. "Dude, what's you problem?"
  10. Sora led the way with ease, weaving through the throngs of dancers until he could spot two familiar blondes ahead. "I think I found them!" Naminé dipped her head shyly. "Well, you did amazing." She hoped he didn't notice the blush blossoming across her cheeks at his touch.
  11. "Someone needs to," Sora joked back, shaking his head. Even before the final battle with Xehanort, Sora had seen how much Naminé had meant to Roxas. His memories spoke volumes. As their display did just now too. "Wanna go find them?" Naminé blushed and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I don't know about that...You were pretty impressive out there yourself." How did he always manage to make her heart flutter this much?
  12. Naminé looked down at him softly and touched the side of his face. Even dressed as a god, he was still her knight in shining armor. She wasn't sure what the audience thought then, seeing them together like that, but Naminé didn't care. The announcer cleared his throat after a moment, signalling them to leave. When they left the stage, Naminé clasped her hands together excitedly. "I think they really liked us!"
  13. Sora whooped enthusiastically as he saw their friends come on the stage. They both looked awesome! "You really outdid yourself, Kai!" Genuinely, Sira would be surprised if someone else won. The crowd loved them! Naminé felt shaky as she walked towards the center of the stage. Her heart pounded loudly, and briefly, she wondered if it would burst out of her chest. When Roxas motioned to her, Naminé wasn't entirely sure what to do. The cheers of the crowd intensified, so she blew a small kiss--the gesture the first thing her mind could think of in the moment--before doing the same to Roxas.
  14. Sora felt a tingle race up his arm at the contact as he followed Kairi to their seats near the front. "I don't think they'll have too much competition," Sora comments out of the side of his mouth as the guy in the banana costumes passes by. Naminé smiled at the gesture and gave his hand a gentle squeeze. "We can do this."
  15. "Heh, probably not too far off," Sora snickered. Though, it did make him happy to see his best friend in a good, committed relationship.
  16. Sora pumped his fist. "Yeah! I'm sure they'll appreciate some extra support!" As they were walking towards the contest, Sora paused. "Where did Riku and Lighting go anyway?" "Very true!" Naminé agreed with a nod. Roxas looked especially handsome in his costume tonight. She was sure he'd wow the crowds too. He had certainly wowed her after all.
  17. "I'm sure they will!" Sora said with a confident grin, "Your designs are incredible." Really, anyone who didn't pick Kairi's design had to be blind. From the corner of his eye, Sora caught a group of jocks watching them with big, drunken grins. I don't like that...what are they smiling about...and did one of them say Kairi? Naminé remained unaware of the hungry gazes around her and brought hands hands together excitedly, the golden bangles hanging off her arms chiming. "I can't wait to see everyone else's costumes! I wonder if anyone else will have costumes like ours?"
  18. Sora broke a bigger chunk off and offered it to Kairi. "Want more?" From the corner of his eye, he watched as Roxas and Naminé wove their way towards what looked like a costume contest. Are they entering? Naminé's heart sped up at his touch and silently, she wondered what it would be like if, instead of holding her hand, he had kept his hand around her waist. I suppose we'd be a real couple then... Smiling at his enthusiasm, Naminé smoothed out her gown and followed Roxas to where the sign up sheet. It took a few moments for them to get to the front of the line (and then find a pen), but soon, the duo was given a number and position in yet another line.
  19. "Mmhmm," Sora agreed. He took a big bite out of the cake in his hand and let out a delighted sigh. "This is really the best. You gotta try one, Kairi!" A blush tinted her cheeks, and Naminé tapped a finger on her chin thoughtfully. Up ahead of them a costume contest was starting. "Why don't we join the costume contest together!" She answered, pointing to the growing line of monsters, witches, and other outlandishly dressed guests.
  20. Sora grinned, "I could use a snack." He followed Kairi towards a long table in the back. A long line had started already but luckily it was moving fast. Sora stood on his toes to see over a bulky jock. "I think there are sandwiches and ohh! They have those little paopu cakes too!" At his touch, Naminé smiled to herself and touched his upper arm. "What do you want to do?" She was glad to stay so close to him. He always made her feel safe.
  21. "Where do you want to go first?" Sora asked, nudging Kairi with his shoulder. They could dance, watch jocks humiliate themselves during beer pong, or grab a hot dog from the grill and people watch. Really, as long as he was with Kairi, Sora was happy.
  22. Once inside, Riku cast Sora a small smile and gestured towards his childhood friend. "Look after her." Not that he really had to say anything to his friend. Not after all he had sacrificed for her. Sora gave a salute and grabbed Kairi's hand. "Will do, and you, look after Lightning." "That's the plan," Riku said with a chuckle. I wonder what will happen tonight...
  23. "I guess I can contain myself for a little while longer," Riku joked. He loved how easy it was to tease one another. Everything felt natural between them. Sora nodded, understanding where her thoughts were most likely drifting. What happened last time wasn't good, so it would be a smart idea to keep close to one another. "Yeah, I won't leave your side."
  24. "I'm a dangerous criminal," Riku said in a low voice, squeezing her hand. Sora looked up at the house, which was bedecked in various ghoulish decorations, and then glanced at Kairi. "Looks like the party's already started. Do you want to go in and mingle?"
  25. Riku let Lightning lead him towards the party, watching as other small pods of costumed students joined them on their trek. He was mildly impressed by all the variety. "At least there doesn't seem to be too many other cops around or robbers." "We shall," Naminé agreed, taking his arm with a bright smile. Tonight would certainly be a night to remember.
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