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Pacific sea

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About Pacific sea

  • Birthday 09/30/1992

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  1. Hmmm...it's been so long, I kinda assumed that he went back to the Final Fantasy universe and that's why we don't see him much.
  2. That's actually a good theory! I could really see Xion doing something like that. My theory isn't as phenomenal as yours, I 'm kinda thinking Sora will get caught in the keyblade war and become the 13 vessel like the same situation as Terra.
  3. I think Kingdom Hearts 3 will be at least 4\5 star rating since they have started back when BBs was released. I'm nervous about what's going to happen for Xhanort since the voice actor for Japanese and English had passed away.
  4. I always thought it was the other way around, the betrayer would be someone who is of light but turned to Xehanort's side. I was going to say Lea, since Axel kept information from Roxas such as Xion and Castle Oblivion. He seems like a mysterious character to me.
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