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Everything posted by KinoKey

  1. yeah i made the mistake for sticking with Red mage for too long and none of my other classes are past like...level 5. with the exception of gladiator but swapped real fast once i hit 50.
  2. At least they make it easy as just changing your weapon and not have to go through any nonsene.
  3. Oh cool you went with summoner. ??
  4. KinoKey

    Fan Art Chat

    (It'sactuallyajpgonaplanescaledupbutdon't worryabout.)
  5. KinoKey

    Fan Art Chat

    Apologies for low rez moon. I was too lazy.
  6. KinoKey

    Fan Art Chat

    Me: remembers Red's storyline Also me: Oh....OH NO. :NotLikeThis:
  7. Reminds me that I actually accidently yeeted myself off a boss arena.
  8. Procrastination is something I wish I could do right now.
  9. KinoKey

    Fan Art Chat

    well there are suppose to be some black markings on his face but those details only show up the texture under the fur.
  10. KinoKey

    Fan Art Chat

    but i'm more or less convinced that any further is mostly in-engine details. I think.
  11. KinoKey

    Fan Art Chat

    :apollothink: A bit better now.
  12. KinoKey

    Fan Art Chat

    I can't fix yet. I'm playing with the material and have no idea what's wrong.
  13. KinoKey

    Fan Art Chat

    Oh wow. Somone actually made the 06 model look good. I got the doggo.
  14. Ah. Guess I'll need to do that first then
  15. Hm. I dont recall unlocking it
  16. Is PotD the only deep dungeon right now or is there another? Cuz I need to do some leveling of other classes. RDM is the only 80 I got
  17. Last thing from hildy I got was the mambo emote
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