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Joanie last won the day on July 16 2018

Joanie had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About Joanie

  • Birthday 01/11/2001

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  1. The only things I didn't like were the small size of Twilight Town, which I was completely surprised at and loved. The rest of your list I just completely disagree with. But that's just your opinion I guess. and the mobile game isn't horrible. It's tolerable at least.
  2. Mid 1,000,000s I think. I don't really have an opinion of the ranking systems.
  3. I actually never thought of that, but I really like that idea.
  4. Just looked it up and I already love it lol Turtles are great.
  5. Modding is now possible. I've seen a few good texture mods already (Fire Mario and Shiny Mewtwo)
  6. I agree It would be great to go to Agrabah again, especially with the new graphics. I think it would look amazing.
  7. If you're against DLC in video games this isn't the topic for you. Now that that's out of the way; What do you think we'll get as DLC in the future? I know the game isn't out yet so this is all speculation, but what do you think we could get? Keep in mind we do already have two Keyblades confirmed (although they are console preorder exclusives ) Some things I personally think could happen are New Keyblades, new Summons like Leon or Jack Skellington (or maybe returning summons like Mushu or Genie). And if I'm being really hopeful, new playable characters and maybe even a new/returning world or story.
  8. me when Donald doesn't heal Sad Sora makes me sad.
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