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About OhHamburgers!

  • Birthday 02/12/1992

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  1. Remember the old saying, "If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself?" People complain that the game or certain levels aren't up to their standards or that previous games are better. If you want something done right, design your own game to your own standards since people seem to know better than the designers, engineers and developers of the game. I'm not pointing fingers at anyone in particular but if you want the game designed and created to your standards, I'd lower my standards just a bit because the world isn't a perfect place no matter how hard we try to nitpick and think we can always reinvent the wheel.
  2. Agrabah. If you think otherwise, I pray Robin Williams haunts you in your dreams.
  3. Timing is everything. I'd rather have Nomura go over the game with a fine toothed comb and make sure everything is 100% before launch instead of halfassing the process. I live in the States but I don't mind waiting the extra 4 days for release. If you halfass the process, you're going to end up with halfassed results.
  4. Anyone who doesn't comply results in an immediate ban. if you're not on the computer for more than a week (like any regular person) you're banned Having Lux Boost is mandatory. Sounds more like a chore than a game with all of these rules and regulations and it sounds like the admins are on a power trip with their 1 week rule. Lots of rules and regulations just for people to get together to have a good time. It basically sounds like either do things our way or don't do it at all.
  5. Tough decision! I download all of my games via PSN and I'm not much of a PS1 guy besides Crash and Spyro. Hell, the PS2 game I play the most is GTA: Vice City. If there was a PS2 Classic, I'd be all over this like a fat kid in a candy store.
  6. I'm just happy that this game is coming out during my lifetime. I was 10 when the first KH title came out. I'm 26 now and KHIII is the only title I've truly been excited about. It's nice to have trailers and some spoilers instead of being left in the dark about everything and having to guess what happens in the KH Universe. If we have online capabilities, that makes the game that much better. I don't need all the fanciest bells and whistles in order to enjoy the game and having all the information and spoilers in the world might be cool to some people but I'd rather save the surprise for later on down the line. If I can wait this long for KHIII, I can wait a few months without being up Nomura's ass 24/7 trying to squeeze information out of him. Patience is a virtue.
  7. Found this earlier just browsing. Dunno if anyone has seen this but could this be the official game cover or just a tease? Pretty cool nonetheless.
  8. I see that a lot of people don’t like Don’t Think Twice and that’s kinda funny. We have folks who couldn’t carry a tune to save their life but apparently they know more about music than someone who has composed and sung over 90% of the songs throughout the KH series. If you can’t write and produce a song better than Utada, you are just pissing in the wind.
  9. Take it with a grain of salt but here’s this. http://gameranx.com/updates/id/22099/article/kingdom-hearts-3-agrabah-confirmed-with-gilbert-recording-voices/
  10. I’m super disappointed that I have to wait 7 more months. If I can wait 13 years, I can wait just a few more months. I just hate being told one thing and then told another. I know that the SE and KH teams have their hands full but they shouldn’t give a “2018” window and then backtrack. Either SE/KH bit off a little bit more than they could chew or they’re going to listen to the fanbase and gets all the tweaks, glitches and whatnot all squared away.
  11. I seriously hope that Nomura is trolling us. Greatest Rick Roll ever.
  12. I’m just angry that the release date was pushed back... again. When you’ve been waiting for something for 13 years and it gets pushed back another year, you tend to get pretty aggravated. It’s just a video game. Nothing less and nothing more.
  13. I’m honestly getting fed up with this. I don’t know about you younger cats but I’ve been waiting for this since the mid 2000’s. Longer than some of you kids have been alive. When I saw that it was delayed AGAIN, I honestly felt like throwing a brick through my tv and canceling my KHIII pre-order. We were told 2018 were we not? When you’ve been waiting over 13 years and then you’re told there are more delays, you tend to lose faith in the KH team. Like I said, I’ve been waiting longer than some of you have been alive. If we get a 2020 release, I’ll just sell my PS4 and watch the damn thing on YouTube.
  14. Anything but Atlantica. I'd rather take Jungle Book or even Aladdin and the King of Thieves. Robin Hood would definitely be a fun world to explore!
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