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Everything posted by SoraAlfheim

  1. Take-Two confirmed just a couple weeks ago that it's still on track for release this year. And they did that in an investor's call. Those guys don't like being lied to, so I'm fairly confident it's still coming this year
  2. Wait, we're talking about Severance in here? Guess I gotta start participating in the conversation on here again then. I've been waiting for somewhere to gush about it.
  3. It always amazes me that online stores never anticipate extra load during announcements
  4. If that stack of doom stood before me I'd just fold
  5. Of course the demo had to come out the one week where I'm too busy to play
  6. I know the issue, but I handed over admin control of the bot to @DChiuch when I stepped down, so you'll have to ask him.
  7. Even just revealing the title would compromise its chances of being picked up, so I have to be careful with who I share those details with. If, however, I strike no success during pitching, plan B is to raise funding and produce it ourselves. Which may or may not involve a kickstarter campaign.
  8. Ah, no, I don't. Since plan A is to pitch it to a big TV animation studio (think Disney, Nickelodeon, CN, etc). I have to keep all material strictly secret.
  9. I missed this message, were you asking me or Cole?
  10. Obviously can't promise anything. It all depends on whether I believe the project to be viable... or more importantly, whether I have capital available to invest when the time comes.
  11. Well, I invest in startups, so if you ever get to that point, hit me up
  12. To be more specific, I've been working on developing a pilot script and concept for an animated series that I intend to pitch... eventually. Pretty ambitious, I know
  13. It's a secret project :larxeneshh:
  14. I mean, all right, I can go with that haha
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