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Potato head harvey

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Everything posted by Potato head harvey

  1. It has to be mark hamil, it sounds just like him. I'm honestly starting to like this new xehanort voice. It's not nimoy, but it's still kind of fitting.
  2. Dang ienzo, Your up to 300 already! I'm only just coming up to the 100 mark. So how exactly does this lucky draw work? Random number generator?
  3. You know what would be cool? A world based on disney's nature documentaries haha.
  4. No, straight from square. They accidentally left something in one of there 15 second japanese trailers that shouldn't have been in there.
  5. I've never really heard anyone saying nimoy recorded the lines. Maybe i'm not in the right places
  6. Nah, they might be referenced at most, but my gut says data sora, being the only other main playable character the series has got, will make some sorta major appearance.
  7. I'd say link them, but we're probably getting a little off track haha.
  8. Speaking of lilo, Apparently japan hates her for some reason. From what i understand, they love stitch, but hate lilo. Which i guess would explain stitch's representation in kingdom hearts if true.
  9. Speaking of, it would be cool if he could transform his keyblade into chakrams like sora does with his keyblade transformations. Hell, give everyone keyblade transformations haha.
  10. I want dlc worlds. They don't got to be major story stuff, i just want the world count to surpass kh2. dlc keyblades could also be cool depending on how they do them.
  11. Was kh2 really 30 hours? Boy, if kh3 is 80 hours in comparison then, wow, what a game.
  12. I'm starting to think roxas is legitimately a seeker. We have so many lights now that there wouldn't even be much room for him.
  13. Wasn't he asleep though? I was assuming the seekers just had his still sleeping body chained up.
  14. I still think it's to early to say for sure that even is a seeker. Same with demyx.
  15. I also want to see lea fighting with his keyblade. I don't think we actually seen him use it yet(?)
  16. So if scala ad caelum is a past version of the keyblade graveyard, wouldn't that date it to before unchained x?
  17. Except behind the door is an entire world? If they do it like that then there probably won't be chests and random encounters. At that point it might as well not even be called a world in my opinion.
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