What if Riku's "Other Me", (AKA the Dark Riku we see in DDD) is not only Riku Replica, but is in fact, Original Riku Replica from the past from before he gets destroyed by Riku? MY theory is that what if Young Xehanort when he was bouncing through time, going around and collecting all of the Seekers of Darkness, that he went and grabbed Repliku before his fatal fight with Riku, and brought him to the present time in DDD, made him into one of the Seekers of Darkness, and then once all of the events of DDD were said, and done, and everybody returned to their own original times, Repliku was sent back to his original time in Castle Oblivion, and with his memories of his time being in DDD erased as per the rules of time travel, Repliku blindly follows his destined path, and leads him to his fight with Riku, where he is ultimately destroyed?