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Everything posted by Lycoris

  1. It's been ages that I have watched a Disney movie and have not seen all of them, so I don't have any favorite villain. Yes, I do.
  2. Should I make a Marluxia/Lauriam fanclub here?

  3. Ask me anything! (if you want, I don't bite though~)
  4. All of the good guys. I don't mind villains getting norted, but Sora and others? Absolutely no!
  5. Maybe Demyx will return as more sinister, badder and cooler. 8D Tbh, I got a feeling that he is not cowardly and lazy as he appears.
  6. CARS IN MY KINGDOM HEARTS!? Are you crazy? o_o That movie would never work in a KH game! Also how would Sora and co look as cars? The horror!
  7. Would you guys to see a badass and sinister Demyx?

    1. ITzDarthLordRevan


      I'm not sure if you could make Demyx sinister, but... I'm very curious on how Square could pull that off.

    2. Lycoris


      I meant something like more cute, but sinister.

    3. ITzDarthLordRevan


      That, I could see working.

  8. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DfdWCX_VMAE-PV_?format=jpg Looks that Marluxia is actually a nort. Also, please Square, don't confuse us again. >_>
  9. Finally. Also, we know why he wantef to rebel against the original Organization XIII.
  10. Daily reminder that I love Ienzo.

  11. I wish, but since I live in a small town, it would impossible. Also there are not any KH fans that I know. I would attempt a KH Comvention in a bigger city, such as Bergen or Oslo. Now that would be fun!
  12. I hope that in the final game he has golden eyes. Trailers don't indicate the finished product, so it's safe to think that he is a 100% Nort.
  13. Why Larxene has golden eyes, while Marluxia DOESN'T???

    1. Merilly


      Perhaps because Marluxia is not as sincere about his involvement with the Organisation as he claims? :D

      Just a thought but I believe that the characters involved with Union Cross will have more purpose ahead of them than just be vessels or fight against Xehanort. And Larxene might not be involved in that.

  14. Oh my God! They norted Aqua!

  15. I don't mind KH3 getting delayed. At least we know that we are getting the game! Also good things come to those who wait.

  16. Unfortunately, I have never meet a person who is a fan of KH where I do live. What about you guys?
  17. Hmm, either Twilight Town or Radiant Garden, but I'll go with Twilight Town. It is a nice place and it would be definitely the place where I would spent my summer vacation.
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