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Axels the best

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Everything posted by Axels the best

  1. never seen gravity falls but I'm not opposed to tv show worlds in kh id like to see Phineas and ferb and ducktales
  2. i think it would be really cool to see a smash or mario kart type game for kh
  3. I would with a different holiday we visit like easter town where sora has cool looking bunny costume and jack wants to be the easter bunny
  4. I will do number 12 I will take my sweet time with this game probably over 50 hours just exploring and doing side quests and trying to find secret bosses
  5. I have a suggestion who is the best main villian in the kingdom hearts series

    1. Wan_Pisu


      Thanks for the suggestion, I'll keep it in mind for future polls!

  6. That's what I've been thinking I'd love it to happen

  7. Why why why would you say such a thing but if it has to happen I'd say moana
  8. Maybe we could see the return of Zach in Olympus my opinion for frozen if there's only 2 I'd pick kristoff and Anna
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