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ienzo628 last won the day on December 26 2023

ienzo628 had the most liked content!


About ienzo628

  • Birthday 06/11/1992

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  1. Why isn't Peter Pan public domain in the UK?
  2. I am just wondering if we can get some old plot thread about "light not being all good" from Re:Com. I would like to see the MoM being a light-based villain. Darkness isn't all bad and light isn't all good.
  3. Yeah, it is more confusing. Why is the MoM siding with the Darknesses?
  4. Can Youtube just end the annoying pop-outs that prevent me from watching a video about, "Hey, you need to disable your ad blocker."?
  5. ienzo628

    Fan Art Chat

    The image isn't loading.
  6. Yeah, I have a therapist.
  7. I only had two hours of sleep, took me forever just to get to sleep. Do you guys know any way to be more social? I think I am pretty cut off from everyone else, being autistic and anxious is hard to deal with, especially since I have behaviors that just cut me off more.
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