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ocean's rage

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Everything posted by ocean's rage

  1. now hold on just cause shes back doesnt mean shes part of the new organisation though it would be satisfying to beat her again
  2. im gonna go with ultron, he was great (though in the comics ive read he was boring)
  3. some fan worlds of how i imagine, dumbo, wall-e and darkwing duck might look in kingdom hearts
  4. i think ansem the wise might be an unwilling remember of the organisation (due to the eyes) so as a researcher and a scientist san fransokyo would make sense
  5. well ive read what happened in -will- and id hope they wouldnt leave things at that, id hope the gameplay was more in line with the original
  6. i think its only the shorts they made before toy story didnt involve disney, its funny how the first two pixar worlds are based mostly on films from before disney actually owned pixar, though they always shared the copyright
  7. im starting to think pixar dont want alternate versions of their films' plots so id guess an original plot
  8. that would be awesome (though technically its not big ben wed be fighting inside) though itll be strange seeing sora as a mouse, wonder what donald and goofy would look like
  9. i dont think of treasure planet or atlantis as older films i think its only fair we get to see dumbo and bambi's worlds theyre among the few summons whos worlds we haven't seen, and sword in the stone weve had merlin from the start lets see his home
  10. im not found of the idea of star wars in KH either though as normua is a fan i think its inevitable
  11. didnt normua say theyd include star wars if they could? or did i imagine that? seriously was that a thing, anyone?
  12. to be fair all of them are co owned by disney where as the ghibli films arent
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