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ocean's rage

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Everything posted by ocean's rage

  1. found another one of my smash movesets this one is for kirby's friend bandana waddle dee
  2. thank you, i tried to be a bit unique with it took a lot from ddd
  3. ive had a go at coming up with several smash moveset the recent being sora funnily enough combo: his usual keyblade combo dash: buzzsaw strong side: explosion strong up: swings blizzard edge over head strong down: circle raid side smash: fires blizzaga at close range up smash: makes firga ring overhead down smash: casts thundaga at his sides neutral air: aero forward air: aerial spiral back air: aerial spiral in reverse down air: balloon, drops one balloon downwards up air: aerial sweep pummel: smacks with keyblade handle forward throw: shoots with light from keyblade back throw: throws behind and then shot of light down throw: drops and then casts gravity up throw: tornado strike neutral special: spark, surrounds self with light crystal can be charged into stronger versions side special: fire windmill, charges enemies with flaming keyblade up special: sonic impact, shoots upwards in a charge down special: shock dive, working like a slam attack final smash: final form, basic transformation final smash where he get a boost in all moves i may post more if i can find them
  4. having played the demo i am looking forward to sushi striker
  5. all those places are to far away for me as well, itd have to come to edinburgh or glasgow comic con but thatll never happen
  6. i believe the conference happened while i was in bed woke to find the news on the home page nice surprise
  7. i also get the feeling she might be as magic user but i hope a the series goes on she becomes a full fledged keyblade wielder with as many tricks as sora and riku
  8. well a lot of people think that he did gain some control over them but theres no reason why cant control the heartless
  9. i was worried it was gonna get a little complex but it was fine
  10. a king candy boss battle following the plot of the film would be so cool
  11. they own the movie rights to spider man this would require the game rights and i dont think have those, spider man is still in every other marvel game
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