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ocean's rage

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Everything posted by ocean's rage

  1. certainly could be, the members of the new organisation is not gonna be simple
  2. or perhaps all members of the first organisation had fragments of xehanorts heart placed in them before they were rejected and they're still there and your proof of this would be
  3. well if your theory was correct i would think theyd be working for ansem the wise, if xigbar was to turn against xehanort i think hed be doing it alone
  4. i gotta go with that gameplay montage
  5. i hope san fransokyo and kingdom corona return in future games with elements from their respective tv series, id love to see minimax and obake in kingdom hearts and for sora and co encountering the black rocks

  6. no cause he loses all his memories when he returns to his own time
  7. i didnt find any of those options surprising, bar the photo mode i would have expected all those things in the game
  8. i dont know what to think anymore theres to many possibilities for an organisation that was supposed to be mostly members who werent in the first one there sure seems to be a lot of members from the first one
  9. things are never simple are they? oh well just have to suspect everyone have to say though demxy and luxord feel like random inclusions but thats probably due to no knowing much about who they were and there seemingly no prior connection to xehanort neither do marluxia or larxene but they make sense cause they're so evil
  10. so that shot which everyone thought was xion was the second riku

    1. ocean's rage

      ocean's rage

      well i thought it was aqua

    2. ITzDarthLordRevan


      Honestly, yours would have been a more likely. Whether Xion comes back or not is still up in the air, even is she's on the KH 3 cover art and had an appearance in DDD. This was one of those moments were I decided to jump on the bandwagon before thinking it through first.

    3. ocean's rage

      ocean's rage

      i think weve all done that when speculating about games

    4. Show next comments  303 more
  11. they way things are looks like the entire old organisation is part of the new one contrary to what they claimed in ddd
  12. why would there be any issue with using wreck it ralph? the companies that who's characters cameoed in wreck it ralph do not own the copyright to the film itself so the only people they need to get permission from would be the same people who they normally get permission from
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