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Everything posted by ITzDarthLordRevan

  1. His character design hasn't changed at all recently. We are talking about his old concept art that was drawn before the original Birth by Sleep came out compared to how his 3D model looks in Birth by sleep. He didn't change much from his concept art. There are a few minor changes though.
  2. Comparing his concept art to his 3D model, there aren't many differences. In the concept art, the straps on his shirt are grey while the ones on his in-game model are red. Ends of Earth isn't all that different with the exception that it isn't his starter Keyblade but is still in the game and it's the one Lingering Will is left with. His pants are just as poofy and tan as they are in-game. His hair is still brown and styled the same way. The only thing that changed on his armor is that the piece at the very top is gold in-game instead of bronze/copper in the concept art. His shoes are exactly the same. I'm going wIth straps since the entire color of it changed.
  3. Lucca Comics and Games is apparently streaming their events on Twitch. This was Day 2:


    People said they'd be streaming the KH 3 Panel but I'm not sure where this information is coming from considering it doesn't look like they are posting the streaming schedules until the day they are happening. I suppose it would be a little weird if they didn't stream it with how they seem to streaming almost everything, but still. You always have to be skeptical especially if nothing has been confirmed nor denied.



    I'll keep an eye out on Twitter on the 3rd to see if anything will be posted

  4. Exactly! With all the screenshots of Olympus we've been getting lately along with the new gif, the drawing of some of KH 3 enemies, the huge keyblade, and the fact the panel is 1 hour and 30 minutes long, it's perfectly fine to be at least a little optimistic that something big is going to be there. Keep ya chin up! KH 3 has ESRB rating now which means there's a complete copy of the game. We can now confidently say that KH 3 is real!
  5. This Halloween marks 90 days/12 weeks and 6 days until KH3 English release! 

  6. Fun fact: Nov. 3rd happens to be Culture Day in Japan which celebrates the arts, academics, and culture in general through things such as parades, art exhibitions, and award ceremonies held for highly respected scholars and artists. Also, can't wait to see what Mr. Hashimoto has for us! Here's hoping he has a new trailer for us or at least some sort of new information. It's going to be a long panel too so I'm betting we'll get something!
  7. I have no idea. While she has stared in the TV show Nashville up until July of this year, there have been celebrities that have juggled more than one thing at a time. Maybe they like Alyson or for some strange reason maybe Disney doesn't like Hayden anymore. Hayden has been in 1 and 2, so it seems strange that she wouldn't be in 3. This was also asked on June 11th which was about five, almost six, months ago. Who knows if her response is true anymore. Kh 3 has an ESRB rating now which means there's a complete copy of the game with full English voice acting out there. Voice acting also tends to be the last thing that's worked on so it wouldn't surprise me if Kairi's English voice actor was called in within that time span since the past English trailers seemed to suggest that English voice acting wasn't done yet. We haven't even heard what Kairi's English voice in a trailer yet. So, who knows? There's still a 50-50 chance that she may or may not be voicing Kairi.
  8. A lot of people speculate that it isn't going to be playable, but I personally would love to visit it again. Partially because Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden is my favorite world and partially because I want to see what the whole world looks like in the new graphics. I'd like to visit Ienzo and the Restoration Committee if they actually show up in the game. Merlin still lives there, correct? I assume Kairi and Lea are going to train there unless that one scene in the trailer suggests they're in Twilight Town(?)
  9. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've always heard there were 93 missions if you don't count the tutorial. I've never physically played, 358/2 Days so I don't 100% know. Are there any secret missions or are there just straight up only 93 missions?
  10. With only one day left, I don't think we're going to get anything at PGW. I was semihopeful at first, but now I'm 100% convinced we aren't going to get anything special out of this with the exception of that one person being able to glitch him or herself into a new area of the demo. However, I think we'll at least get something at Lucca and Jump Festa. Since I personally believe we are going to get, at the maximum, two more world reveals, I think we may get one at both of these events. My bet is on Princess and the Frog and maybe either Brave or the Jungle Book. If not Brave, then maybe Lilo and Stitch. I like Brave, Princess and the Frog, and Lilo and Stitch, but it's more of what I think will be in the game rather than what I want to be in the game.
  11. Found it. Make of what you will about his answer. This was posted Sept. 12th. I betcha Master Xehanort's English VA is also under a strict NDA, especially since the late Leonard Nimoy used to voice him and we have no idea who's voicing him now.
  12. He could be under an NDA (A Non-Disclosure Agreement.) until Square Enix reveals who is voicing who. In a small interview with a fan, Jesse McCartney said something about not being called in to reprise his roles as Roxas and Ven as well and something about his behaviour or the sound of his voice in the clip told me he was lying. Roxas and Ven are too important not to be voiced by their orginal voice actor.
  13. I think they aren't showing us too much. Most of the stuff we were shown from trailers are just scratching the surface and there isn't any context to most of it. I think this was pretty much SE making up for the years we barely got anything. Not to mention, we are nearing KH3's release, so it's only going to ramp up from here until after Jump Festa. I highly doubt they'll show us the final world and will stop at just showing the Disney and Pixar Worlds. But, hey, if people think it's too much, that's fine. I'm not here to try and change anyone's mind or to squabble over something so trivial. If you want to leave the internet so you can go into this game somewhat blind, I'm not stopping you.
  14. In my opinion, neither. Even with 0.2 opening cinematic that we got that one year, my expectations are very low for this PGW. There's a possibility it might just be another one of those conventions where people play the demo on the PS4 and Xbox One and nothing more. I'm not completely writing this event off though. If there were to be anything at PGW, however, I think they'd probably show us the opening. I have mixed feeling about this, though. I would be excited to see it, but at the same time I think it should be kept under wraps until we all get to play the game ourselves.
  15. Just a regular ole' PS4. Even if some people would call blasphemy, I'm fine with it as long as KH3 runs well on it. It's the only console I really have access to at the moment and I'm okay with just owing a PS4.
  16. They always ask "Where is Riku?" never "How is Riku?"
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