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Everything posted by ITzDarthLordRevan

  1. I already know I made myself look stupid once I typed it. I am not that versed in VR related things since I'm not that interested and maybe I should've kept my mouth shut on this one. Give me some slack.
  2. I know I'm going to get a lot beef for this especially since it may seem like I'm jumping onto the song to early since the whole thing hasn't come out yet, but I can confidently say that Face My Fears is shaping up to be my favorite without being a total KH fangirl. I respect all the classics and have never hated any of them and I can honestly say that none of them sound terrible to me, but I just like the sound of this one better than the others. Until the full thing comes out so I can hear it, I'm saying Sanctuary is my favorite.
  3. Only on the internet will you find somebody playing Despacito over a sad and badass montage of three teenage anime boyos that have the same face reaching out to their friends, who are being swallowed by death eater-looking darkness and one who is fading into particles of light.

  4. If you listen to the sample of the English version of Face My Fears on Utada's website, You can hear Utada singing another line after the tibit we heard in the trailer and It sounds like she's saying "Lose. Soon I've nothing to." She may be channeling her inner Yoda, but the lyrics still tug at my heartstrings.


    Also, the full track of Face My Fears is 3 minutes and 42 seconds which most likely close to how long the full opening will be. If the first half of it broke my heart thus far, I am not ready to see the whole opening. ?

  5. As much as I've tried to catch every Kingdom Hearts 3 trailer on time so far, I don't think it's going to be worth it stay up until sometime after 4 am since it's a 30-second trailer. Depending on how I feel, I may go to bed a lot earlier on the 15th in order to get up at 4. Tbh, I'm probably going to try to catch it anyways because KH owns my soul.

  6. I mostly use Twitch to watch streamers, but the only live-streams I go to watch on YouTube is TheNyanCave. I only started watching them around two months or so ago. I heard they were going through the Kingdom Hearts games and I watched a tidbit of one of their Birth by Sleep streams. I decided afterwards that I really liked them and wanted to watch more of them. Although I've neglected to watch their most recent streams.
  7. It was #1 trending here in U.S., last night , I believe. I think it was #10 in another country besides Canada and #16 somewhere else. It's currently trending at #7 right now in tye U.S. As much as I want to see it succeed, I have to agree that it's a bit of a stretch to call it the most popular video worldwide.
  8. Somebody said the tonal shift made it sound bipolar. To me, the whole song sounds like it's suppossed to be bittersweet (reference to the song lyrics not intended) Miss Utada's vocals paired with piano in the beginning definitely sound pretty sad, but the song switched to a slightly happier tune toward and after the beat drop. Even the lyrics seem really bittersweet. Even though this is a send off to the Xehanort saga, I don't think Kingdom Hearts 3 was ever suppossed to be mostly sad. Kingdom Hearts has always been pretty bittersweet since it does combine the slightly more serious yet out of this world tones of Final Fantasy with the pretty happy-go-lucky Disney goofs, themes of friendship, and it's underlying darker themes. Despite everything being said about it going to be the darkest entry in the series and the ending of it being hard to swallow, I'm sure there will be both tears of joy and tears of sadness being shed in equal amounts when people play this. I wouldn't expect it be Kingdom Hearts if it didn't punch you in the gut and sprinkle in some humor and happy times only to punch you in the gut again while simultaneously putting you're mind through an acid trip. I understand why the part after the beat drop wouldn't be everybody's cup of tea considering not everyone likes what kind of music Skrillex produces and a lot of people found the beat drop to be weak or lack luster. I'm not going to call anyone out because they didn't like it since we know not everthing in the game is going to cater to everyone. KH 3 isn't going to be perfect like some people think it is. I, for some reason, really enjoyed it even though the only song I've only really ever heard parts of was "Bangarang." I have to agree, though, saying Skrillex should F-themselves or never write music again and going as far as to make a fan editted version of the opening with Simple and Clean and calling it the improved version of it is a bit much.
  9. I literally had no way of downloading KHUX to even get this. I never had a device that could download it. A little sad that I didn't get to join the event, but it's pretty much a reskin of the Kingdom Key so I'll get over it.
  10. You ever get the urge to draw a lot of things when a new Kingdom Hearts 3 trailer gets, but then get overwhelmed by all the ideas and the awesomeness to the point you have no idea what you want to draw and your procrastination starts to kick in after 1 drawing? This me every time. Makes it even worse when you realize you haven't updated your fanfiction in years. 

    So lazy, much ideas.

  11. Seeing the Kingdom Hearts 3 opening trailer trending #1 on Youtube is wild! I never thought I'd see the day and it really warms my heart. It's also funny to see people go "what the heck is this?" in the comments section. 

  12. Love it! It's really addictive and I could see myself listening to it at least a million times. Utada's voice was beautiful as always and I thought what Skrillex brought to the song was pretty good. I didn't have much of an opinion of Skrillex before this came out and at first I thought I wouldn't like it or I would be indifferent toward it, but I was pleasantly surprised. I Can't wait to hear the full version and see the rest of the opening!
  13. I know a lot of people didn't like the tidbit of Face my Fears we got and I respect it even though I like it, but...

    Isn't replacing the song Face My Fears with Simple and Clean in a fan edit of the opening and calling it an improved trailer a bit petty? I'm not surprised though. This is the internet after all. 

  14. New trailer, new profile pic of my boi , Ven.

  15. There are people saying that the full song is coming out at midnight tonight, but this to me sounds like nothing but rumors since it hasn't been confirmed. Does anybody have any idea where people are getting this from? Or was this just someone misinterpreting the time of when the sneak peak of the opening was going to be put out?
  16. I haven't really listened to dubstep or EDM that often in order to form an opinion on the genre itself, but I'm actually really liking the song and Utada's voice is so beautiful at the beginning half of it. Love her voice! I'm not going to lie, even though this a sneak peak, this opening already made me cry. The visuals are stunning and I'm always a sucker for all the main characters' eyes since they are always so pretty in the openings.
  17. The smaller file size sometimes has less to do with how long a game is and more with optimization and compression. Not to mention, Persona 5 apparently had a very small download file size even though players can reach to a 100+ playtime in it. Don't know if this is still true or not. I'm in no way worried if it does have small file size. The claim that Kingdom Hearts 3 will be 40-50 hours long when finished and 80+ hours for post-game content that was made a while ago is actually false as Square Enix didn't know how long the game would be at the time and never stated that it would be this long. If anything, it's a fair estimate on how long it's actually going to be. I think it will at least be somewhat longer than KH 2. With how many characters they've shoved into KH 3, I wouldn't doubt if it's at least around 60 hours long base game. Of course this less of a fact and more of an opinion on my part.
  18. My boi Ventus is obviously my bias, Idk if we'll ever get a render of him before the game releases though, but I would like to see renders of everyone including the villians.
  19. She's not just a princess, she's a queen! Look at my little baby, off to destroy people.
  20. As soon as January hits, I'm peacing out of here until I get to play the whole game myself. Fake leaks or no, stuffs going to hit the fan really quick. 

  21. Even if this leak is obviously fake, that shouldn't stop most of us from be careful around leaks especially now that we're so close to release. Most leaks of this caliber are usually fake, but there still that slim chance that there might be a leak like the one that spoiled the Monster's Inc. world too early. It's best to tread with at least some caution.
  22. They've said it in the new update, although not blatantly, but the English translation of makes it unclear whether she's Erlena's or Laurium's little sister. So, KHInsider is making Laurium her "default older sibling" until this update comes out in the English version of KHUX.
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