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Everything posted by rhys0126

  1. How would you guys feel if they actually had one? It likely would never happen, but just thinking.
  2. Yeah, I can understand that. But it would be really cool to see the technical cgi leap from the ending of 2 in 2005 to 3 in 2018
  3. For a lot of the more recent JRPG's from Square Enix, they've been slowly putting in less and less cgi cutscenes into their games. It makes me kinda think they might not have a cgi ending for kh3 and that makes me kinda sad. I know it's a small detail, but it really adds charm to it and makes the endings feel special, or that you earned it. Idk. Do you guys think they'll still include one not counting the opening cinematic?
  4. This. That’s what I was thinking about most likely. It almost looks too flashy
  5. If you compare it to the first two games, the hits don’t seem to connect and it just looks really floaty like everyone has been saying. It’s kinda worrying me tbh, but maybe the trailers just aren’t doing it justice. Am I the only one that’s been thinking this since like, the orchestra trailer from June?
  6. Ni No Kuni 2 looks so freaking amazing. I never got to play the first one and I love studio ghibli--even though they aren't behind this one--so I'm really hyped. I'm probably getting it later down the line though, because I've been really busy with school and working on my social skills. Haven't had time for video games lately I've also been eyeing DMC for a while because of how similar it looks to kingdom hearts gameplay-wise so the remaster should be cool.
  7. I’m most likely going to turn off my internet for a while so I don’t get spoiled any more than I already have
  8. I think an Up world would be cool. You could just be flying in your Gummi ship and happen upon the house or something that would trigger a new world
  9. My only complaint is that it seems like they’re really pushing for more Pixar worlds, which is fine? Idk, I just like the 90’s Disney movies because they feel more like Kingdom Hearts, but I won’t complain as long as they’re good. I really love Riku’s new outfit and the graphics in general also look amazing now. Also the new Utada song is pretty good
  10. I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE! Honestly, I love Pixar, but (IMO) they don’t belong in Kingdom Hearts bc they aren’t original Disney. I only want worlds based on OG disney properties. I’m okay with the new Pixar worlds and I understand why people want them in the game so much, but either way, the Disney worlds were never the draw for me, I always like the original KH worlds the best. Anyway though, I hope at least Treasure Planet makes it bc I loved that movie as a kid. Jungle book could be cool too
  11. Sweet! Horizon looks really cool, I want to play that. Ocarina of time is also really good
  12. I’m probably going to be playing Ni No Kuni 2, The Last Guardian, and maybe God of War. What about you guys?
  13. Not excited for February, but I’m excited for March because of Ni No Kuni 2 =)
  14. Well, guess it’s time to invest in a Pro lol. I think it could be possible to get 60 fps though, just not with upscaled 4k
  15. I’m wondering if they’ll do what they did with BBS 0.2 and make it 60 fps for people that have a PS4 Pro. I really hope they don’t but at the same time I hope they do. At the moment I can’t afford a Pro, but if I ever was able to it would be a nice addition. Do you guys think they’ll do it?
  16. Same! It was so weird actually seeing her try to get involved in KH 0.2, but if they pull it off right, they could really give her more depth as a character.
  17. Just want waiting for KH3 tbh

  18. @somedayhunchback it stands for Downloadable Content and it’s basically where devs add extra stuff to a game that you have to pay for
  19. I didn’t really like the TWEWY subplot in DDD so I hope they don’t make an entire Shibuya world
  20. Thanks for all the responses guys, it really helps! Hopefully it'll come out in September like most of you are saying too lol
  21. Now that we actually know it's coming out this year, and most likely in November, it's really getting hard to wait. I know most of us have been waiting upwards of 13 years--for me only 9--but these final months are going to be terrible just knowing it's so close, yet so far. How do you guys manage the waiting? Also, what month do you think the game will release?
  22. I don’t think so. I’d be perfectly happy with it taking a little bit of time to make sure it’s the best possible game it could be. I’ll probably be playing KH3 for an unhealthy amount of time though, so I won’t complain. Plus, if it’s on PS5 it could literally look like the cgi intros from the first two games and that would be freaking amazing (just guessing since ps4 graphics are roughly 20 years behind modern cgi)
  23. Kinda a strange subject, but I really hope frozen is in Kh3. Same with Treasure Planet
  24. Maybe Ayaka (FFVII Crisis Core) or Shiina Ringo. Leaning more towards Ayaka though. They could also get an american singer like they did with ff13, but I don't think it would feel quite the same in my opinion.
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